System perspective 1 kWh el always means 1 kg CO2 everywhere Electricity price x specific consumption = constant
Potential Emissions today in Sweden 60 Mtonne Potential CHP-30 Mtonne Improved efficiency-30 Mtonne Means no climate change contribution
Avhandlingar med Tekniska Verken som utgångspunkt ) Backlund, Lennart (1988) "Optimization of Dynamic Energy Systems with Time Dependent Components and Boundary Conditions" 2) Andersson, Maria (1997) "Cooperation in local electricity markets Modelling of Technical Measures"Cooperation in local electricity markets Modelling of Technical Measures 3) Henning, Dag (1999) "Optimization of Local and National Energy Systems Development and Use of the MODEST Model""Optimization of Local and National Energy Systems Development and Use of the MODEST Model" 4) Sundberg, Gunnel (2001) "Determining parameters for combined heat and power plants - on the use of district heating fo.r power production in a liberalised market"."Determining parameters for combined heat and power plants - on the use of district heating fo.r power production in a liberalised market" 5) Sjödin, Jörgen (2003) "Swedish District Heating Systems and a Harmonised European Energy Market - Means to Reduce Global Carbon Emissions""Swedish District Heating Systems and a Harmonised European Energy Market - Means to Reduce Global Carbon Emissions" 6) Rolfsman, Björn (2003) "Interaction between Energy Systems of Buildings and Utilities in an ever-changing Environment"."Interaction between Energy Systems of Buildings and Utilities in an ever-changing Environment" 7) Carlsson, Annelie (2002) "Considering External Costs - Their Influence on Technical Measures in Energy Systems"."Considering External Costs - Their Influence on Technical Measures in Energy Systems" 8) Gebremedhin, Alemayehu (2003) "Regional and Industrial Co-operation in District heating Systems"."Regional and Industrial Co-operation in District heating Systems"
9) Louise Trygg (2006) "Swedish industrial and energy supply measures in a european system perspective"."Swedish industrial and energy supply measures in a european system perspective" 10) Kristina Holmgren (2006) "A system perspective on disctrict heating and waste incineration"."A system perspective on disctrict heating and waste incineration" 11) Maria Danestig (2009) "Efficient heat supply and use from an energy-system and climate perspective"."Efficient heat supply and use from an energy-system and climate perspective" 12) Kristina Difs 2010 “District Heating and CHP – Local Possibilities for Global Climate Change Mitigation 13) Klasson Johan (2007) "Att spara eller konvertera i boendemiljön? - en gammal fråga i ny genomlysning""Att spara eller konvertera i boendemiljön? - en gammal fråga i ny genomlysning" 14) Nilsson Lars R (2005) "Svensk vattenkraft ur ett europeiskt perspektiv - några exempel""Svensk vattenkraft ur ett europeiskt perspektiv - några exempel" 15) Carlson, Annelie (2000) "Externa kostnaders inverkan på tekniska energisystem - Simulering av biobränsleanvändningen i tre regioner"
16) Gebremedhin, Alemayehu (2000) "The impact of a widened energy system boundary on cost effectiveness" 17) Bergström, Ulrika (1999) "I.T., Optimized Energy Systems and New Customer Services" LIU-TEK-LIC-1999:04. 18) Henning, Dag (1994) "Energy Systems Optimisation Applied to Local Swedish Utilities". 19) Andersson, Maria (1993) "Cost-effective Incentives for Local Electric Utilities and Industries in Co-operation - Modelling of Technical measures" 20) Lewald, Anders (1990) "ELVA-modellen. Elvärmens alternativ" 21) Backlund, Lennart (1986) "Modell för optimering av dynamiska energisystem med tidsberoende komponenter och randvillkor. MODEST", LiU-TEK-LIC-1986:33. 22) Gustafsson, Stig-Inge (1986) "Optimal energy retrofits on existing multifamily buildings"