External Forces Influencing Computer Information Systems Kolganova Natalia AMN 195 November 26, 2007
information system is “an integrated set of components for collecting, storing, processing, and communicating information” These systems have quickened the pace of daily activities, affected the structure and mix of organizations, changed the type of products bought, and influenced the nature of work.
are the factors that, being outside of the market’s control, play an important role in how an industry conducts its business PoliticalSocio/CulturalTechnological Economic/competitionLegal/regulatory External forces
Economic/Competition Globalization has increased the connectivity and integration; change the entire concept of CIS development; CustomersClientsSuppliers
Economic/Competition Advantages of Globalization cutting the labor costs by using the cheap labor in other countries; hiring well qualified and skilled employees; the ability to use the time zone difference to achieve “follow-the-sun” development; gain competitive advantage through partnership by sharing information and knowledge;
Economic/Competition Disadvantage of Globalization the jobs are being taken by the employees from the other countries 142 of the Fortune 500 companies outsourced their software requirements to India in India’s exports of computer software, IT services and electronics products are projected to grow by around 30 % during 2007 to US $32 billion
Economic/Competition Employment Statistics Occupation Employment Percent Change Job Openings Computer and information scientists, research United States 22,40028, %830 New York 1,2201, %30 Computer systems analysts United States 486,500639, %20,800 New York 28,70034, %950 Network and computer systems administrators United States 278,400385, %13,770 New York 16,59021, %700
Political, Legal/Regulatory Internet Laws Copyright law Domain Names and Trademarks Patent Law Privacy Free Speech and the First Amendment Contract Law and High Technology Employment law
Political, Legal/Regulatory Accessibility Laws State Accessibility Laws Federal Initiative Section 508 Web Accessibility Initiative; IBM's and Java Accessibility Guidelines Web User Agent Guidelines eEurope 2002: Accessibility of Public Web Sites
Socio/Cultural Difficulties in communication; Differences in “attitudes towards authority, work ethic, sense of time, and the styles of communication.”; Downward spiral of CIS enrollment; Negative sides of outsourcing
Socio/Cultural Median annual salaries of CIS specialists Software publishers$107,870 Computer systems design103,850 Management of companies99,880 Insurance carriers97,900 Depository credit intermediation86,450
Technological Demand on sophisticated software grows; more companies enter the sphere of e- commerce; the process of communication has been changed completely; Demand on labor force grows; Effects of Technological Advancement
The sphere of CIS is exposed to the influence of internal and external forces; Companies have to be proactive in responding to external forces; The most important factor that impacts the sphere of CIS is globalization; In order to provide a fare global market place certain laws are applied to the businesses conducted in the sphere of CIS;
Natalia Kolganova