FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto INFORMÁTICA DE TRADUÇÃO FALL SEMESTER 2008 Lesson 5 Teacher: Elena Zagar Galvão Webpage: web.letras.up.pt/egalvao
FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão Warm up activity How much do you think you know about MSWord? Try this quiz and find out. zzes/BasicWordQuiz1.htm zzes/BasicWordQuiz1.htm
FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão In pairs, discuss and find possible answers to the following questions. Do citizens of the ‘global village’ need translation at all? Do citizens of the ‘global village’ need translation at all? English is often described as the lingua franca of our day and age, but what is a lingua franca? English is often described as the lingua franca of our day and age, but what is a lingua franca? Why is the EU described by Austermühl as one of the ‘few bastions against linguistic uniformity’? Why is the EU described by Austermühl as one of the ‘few bastions against linguistic uniformity’?
FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão In pairs, discuss and find possible answers to the following questions. What is glocalization and why is it important for translation? What is glocalization and why is it important for translation? What is machine-aided human translation (MAHT)? What is machine-aided human translation (MAHT)? What is human-aided machine translation (HAMT)? What is human-aided machine translation (HAMT)? How is translation technology used in the different phases of the translation process? How is translation technology used in the different phases of the translation process?
FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão In pairs, discuss and find possible answers to the following questions. Name the three product types designed to automate the translation process almost entirely. Name the three product types designed to automate the translation process almost entirely.
FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão Introduction to CAT tools (based on patent/mod/resource/view.php?id=108) patent/mod/resource/view.php?id=108 Why study about CAT tools? Why study about CAT tools? What is a CAT tool? What is a CAT tool? What does a CAT tool do? What does a CAT tool do? Advantages Advantages Disadvantages Disadvantages
FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão Why study about CAT tools? Because CAT tools can: have to be used by necessity due to translation companies’/clients’ demands; have to be used by necessity due to translation companies’/clients’ demands; improve translation consistency and quality. improve translation consistency and quality. enable reuse of translations done in the past. enable reuse of translations done in the past. improve translators’ productivity and thus increase income. improve translators’ productivity and thus increase income.
FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão Introduction provided by Hermann Bruns) What is a CAT tool ? (Introduction provided by Hermann Bruns) CAT stands for "Computer Aided/Assisted Translation Tool". The terms "Translation Memory" and "TM" are sometimes used to refer to the same type of tool. A CAT tool is a computer program that helps a translator to work efficiently.
FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão This is achieved through three main functions: 1. A CAT tool breaks texts into segments (sentences or sentence fragments) and presents the segments in a convenient way, to make translating easier and faster. In some tools, for example Trados and SDLX, each segment is presented in a special box, and the translation can be entered in another box (right below the ST in Trados; beside the ST in SDLX). A CAT tool breaks texts into segments (sentences or sentence fragments) and presents the segments in a convenient way, to make translating easier and faster. In some tools, for example Trados and SDLX, each segment is presented in a special box, and the translation can be entered in another box (right below the ST in Trados; beside the ST in SDLX).
FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão 2. The translation of each segment is saved together with the source text. Source text and translation will always be treated and presented as translation units (TU). You can return to a segment at any time to check the translation. There are special functions which help to navigate through the text and to find segments which need to be translated or revised (quality control). The translation of each segment is saved together with the source text. Source text and translation will always be treated and presented as translation units (TU). You can return to a segment at any time to check the translation. There are special functions which help to navigate through the text and to find segments which need to be translated or revised (quality control).
FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão 3. A CAT tool saves the translation units in a database, called translation memory (TM), so that they can be re-used for any other text, or even in the same text. Through special "fuzzy search" features, the search functions of CAT tools can also find segments which do not match 100%. This saves time and effort and helps the translator to use consistent terminology Besides these main functions many other functions may be included in CAT tools, to make translating easier and increase productivity.
FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão Concordance Most CAT tools also have what is known as a "concordance” function. This is one of the most useful functions of a CAT tool. When a segment of text within, for example, a sentence is selected and the concordance function run, a list of identical or similar matches will be displayed to the user if such matches exist in the translation memory. This is extremely useful in checking terminology consistency because a large number of terms can be checked almost instantly using a single concordance search. This is also useful in checking consistency of phrasing of particular expressions throughout a similar document, or in ensuring that two translations performed separated by a large gap in time (for example, one or two years) are still translated in a similar manner.
FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão Terminology Management CAT tools will also usually include some kind of terminology management interface for handling storage, management and insertion of terminology. This makes it possible to create terminology databases associated with a particular job or jobs.
FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão Advantages Quality Assurance (Consistency, Term Checking/Management) Quality Assurance (Consistency, Term Checking/Management) Speed Speed Re-use Re-use
FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão Disadvantages the file must be in electronic format. the file must be in electronic format. mistakes repeated. mistakes repeated. tendency to translate at lower linguistic levels (sentences, phrases, collocations,words) tendency to translate at lower linguistic levels (sentences, phrases, collocations,words)
FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão SDL TRADOS Company website index/sdl-trados/ index/sdl-trados/ Headquarters: UK (Maidenhead)
FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão How to produce a quote You receive a Request for Quotation (RFQ) PT: Pedido de Orçamento How do you proceed?
FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão When a TM is available, quotes are produced on the basis of: Perfect matches and Repetitions in doc or existing in TM Perfect matches and Repetitions in doc or existing in TM Fuzzy matches (between 50 and 99%) Fuzzy matches (between 50 and 99%) No match/New segments (not in TM) No match/New segments (not in TM)
FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão How much? (not to be taken too seriously) No match/New segments (not in TM) are the most expensive (full price) No match/New segments (not in TM) are the most expensive (full price) High Fuzzy matches (85% to 99%): 35% of full price High Fuzzy matches (85% to 99%): 35% of full price Fuzzy matches (75% to 84%): 35% of full price Fuzzy matches (75% to 84%): 35% of full price Fuzzy matches (75% to 84%): 55% of full price Fuzzy matches (75% to 84%): 55% of full price Fuzzy matches (65% to 74%): 75% of full price Fuzzy matches (65% to 74%): 75% of full price Repeated segments in doc or existing in TM (25-35% of full price) Repeated segments in doc or existing in TM (25-35% of full price) Perfect matches and Repetitions in doc or existing in TM (0 EUR!!) Perfect matches and Repetitions in doc or existing in TM (0 EUR!!) NB: If TM available is good, then work is easier and faster and we can charge less.