The Murray-Darling Basin Exorcizing the past NeWater Workshop – August 28 th 2007 Daniel Connell Australian National University
Past Present Future Men make their own history, but they do not make it as they please; they do not make it under self-selected circumstances, but under circumstances existing already, given and transmitted from the past. The tradition of all dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the brains of the living…. Karl Marx 1852 The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Napoleon
1990s-2000s – attempt to make a fundamental cultural shift Century old administrative system was based on close identification of interests between State govts and irrigation communities supported by wider public (ministerial discretion was/is central) National Water Initiative a rights and responsibilities system designed to manage a wide range of competing interests (courts meant to replace ministerial discretion)
National Water Initiative Management of competing demands through water plans Systems approach is fundamental Political process to determine Acceptable level of modification then first priority is water to maintain sustainability-stability at that level remainder is available for production
Resistance Long tradition of production first Confusion re regional implementation Conflicts between water quantity focus of the NWI and other public policy priorities Widespread ambivalence re compliance Monitoring and entitlement systems need to be redefined and redirected Salutary fate of Gwydir water sharing plan
Positive factors (but all contested at some level) Significant cross-society agreement re aims Acceptance major decisions are public policy Institutional history re adaptation to climate variability Tested forums for decision making Strong institutional framework to build on Idea of sustainability widely distributed Long history of monitoring and data Cultural values re fairness and equity reduce the heat of controversies Robust political system and cohesive society
Overview MDB is an example of the international dilemma MDB crisis shows that major decisions re water are cultural and political MDB reform debate highlights the importance of systemic institutional issues MDB history reveals the power of the past to influence the future
Implications for future research Premises past defines potential positively as well as negatively strengths and weaknesses of socio-ecosystems are most clearly revealed under stress (eg droughts-floods, demand pressure) Societies in the northern and southern temperate zones have been managing climate variability for a long time. Can that experience contribute to future policy?