Thermospheric Control Lühr et al. 04 CHAMP thermospheric density enhancement Liu et al. 05 Causes of upwelling Large-scale Joule heating Ion upflow Soft electron precipitation Alfvén waves, small-scale FAC Lühr et al. 04 1
Convective transport to the cusp ions / cm 2 -s MIT Haystack Observatory Ionospheric Control Coster, Erickson, Foster 2
1945 UT Foster et al º Lat 20 Nov
Magnetospheric dynamo ( geomagnetically fixed) + Convective plasma surge Outflow surge Semeter et al. 03 Sondrestrom ISR11 Feb
Observations from low-altitude satellites (FAST) Paschmann et al. ‘03 polar cap 13 Feb
Centrifugal (Ponderomotive) Streltsov and Lotko
Observations at higher altitude Intense electromagnetic activity in the “PSBL” ~ 1-min (Pi 2) oscillations Oscillations confined mainly to downward current channel Integrated Poynting flux is upward polar cap plasmasheet Johansson et al. ‘04 down up Evidence for a high-altitude resonator? 19 May
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