Pictures from a weekend at Lake Tahoe!
Sari from Finland. She and her husband Mårten invited me on the tour in their car and to their Hut.
Hat and glasses I hat to borough from Sari and Mårten, so I didn’t exactly look smart!
Morten was also invited. He is an associate professor in political science at my home university - University of Southern Denmark! Mentioning the full name was not part of the official branding strategy of USD.
Mårten and Sari.
Mårten and Morten.
We drove in a: VW Touraeg, 4.2 l., V8, super charged engine with 420 hp, and I got to drive it ! It may look big, but is has more acceleration power than The Apollo 11.
The ski area: Homewood!
Mårten and Sari are ready for skiing.
The lift at the beginner slope!
Mårten, Morten and Sari!
Snow boarders!
More snowboarders!
Even more snowboarders!
Mårten and Morten!
Mårten and Morten again!
The real slopes!
Snowboarders under the lift!
Mårten in the powder snow!
Mårten again!
Don’t fall now, just because I am taking pictures here!!!
Now, that is the spirit Mårten!
Looking over the lake – Lake Tahoe!
We spent the evening in Reno in Nevada. This though I found at the internet, as you mad have guessed.
End of first weekend at Lake Tahoe. I will come back here later on – that’s for sure.