Concept #1: Virtex-4FX Board with Parani Bluetooth Development Kit DAQ – FPGA – PC System Input Output Input Data Data Storage Connection Speed Connection Status Input Data Connection Status Connection Speed Data Storage Data routed through DAQ Virtex – 4FX FPGA via I/O USB FIFO Bluetooth Development Board PC Handler GUI Micro- Processor FPGA Handler
Concept #2: BASYS Board with Bluetooth Modules DAQ – FPGA – PC System Input Output Input Data Data Storage Connection Speed Connection Status Input Data Connection Status Connection Speed Data Storage Data routed through DAQ Spartan 3-E FPGA via I/O USB FIFO Bluetooth Module 1 Bluetooth Module 2 Wireless Transmission PC Handler GUI FPGA Handler
Concept #3: Spartan-3 Board with Parani Bluetooth Development Kit DAQ – FPGA – PC System Input Output Input Data Data Storage Connection Speed Connection Status Input Data Connection Status Connection Speed Data Storage Data routed through DAQ Spartan-3 FPGA via I/O USB Interface Bluetooth Development Board PC Handler GUI FPGA Handler
Description of Selection Criteria Software Complexity: –Complexity of VHDL development based on projected time for coding. (i.e. utilizing basic Bluetooth modules provided would require extensive coding of Bluetooth stack, thus adding a significant amount of time to the VHDL development) Bluetooth Complexity: –Two different approaches to Bluetooth have been provided (Bluetooth modules and Parani development board). Utilizing the modules will require custom logic/coding as well as a large amount of hardware development. Hence, more complex with Bluetooth modules over Parani (which is simply RS232) Cost: –Lower cost beneficial Size: –Smaller size beneficial. This stems from possible application in robotics platforms where this system would be mounted on a robot. Thus, smaller is better. Memory Speed: –Want fast speed of memory so that don’t run into bottlenecks of P08311 (for their project, the Compact Flash memory that they used was much too slow for the application). DAQ-FPGA Interface Complexity: –Simpler the interface, less chance of data being lost or data transmission to be slowed down. Processor: –Embedded processor posed problems in complexity of coding/communication for P Moving away from embedded processor will be desired.
FPGA Selection Criteria Selection Criteria Weight (5% Increments) Concepts Virtex-4FX (Parani BT)Basys (BT modules)Spartan-3 (Parani BT) Rating (1-5)*WeightedRating (1-5)*WeightedRating (1-5)*Weighted Software Complexity*20% Bluetooth Complexity**15% Cost***5% Size****5% Memory Speed20% DAQ-FPGA Interface Complexity25% Processor ~10% Total Score Rank231 Decision?No Yes * 1 low to 5 high ** low complexity = high score ***low cost = high score ****smaller size = higher score ~Embedded = 1, Separate = 5