Projects on Aerosol-Climate Interactions Erik Swietlicki PhD students: Erik Nilsson, Jakob Löndahl, Pontus Roldin Div. of Nuclear Physics, Lund University, P.O. Box 118, SE Lund, Sweden
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 4th Assessment Report 2007
Andreae et al. (Nature, 2005) Uncertainty Har vi en mycket större klimatkänslighet för en fördubbling av CO 2 -halten än vad vi hittills observerat? “Global Dimming” and Future Climate Change Hög klimatkänslighet Låg klimatkänslighet
EUCAARI European Integrated Project on Aerosol - Climate - Air Quality Interactions European Super-sites for Atmospheric Aerosol Research An EU-Infrastructure Project 21 European Partners 48 European Partners An EU Integrated Project Funding ( ): 231 kEUR (Lund) Funding ( ): 179 kEUR (Lund)
Aerosol – Cloud – Climate Interactions Equipment for research on aerosols and their effects on climate and human health Aerodyne HR-ToF-MS Aerosol Mass Spectrometer 2x DMT Cloud Condensation Nuclei Counters Funding (2007, Crafoord): 0.3 MSEK Additional Partner: Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel Prof. Daniel Rosenfeld “HTDMA equipment” “ACCI” Funding ( ): 3.4 MSEK “Dyr utrustning” Partners: CAST Funding ( ): 4.5 MSEK
PI: Kristina Stenström Arctic Summer Cloud-Ocean Study ( , Nordic Council of Ministers) ASCOS IPY Approved Funding ( ): 0.6 MSEK Swedish Clean Air Research Program (Start 2007, Naturvårdsverket) SCARP NMR Funding ( ): 0.9 MDKK (1999-, Naturvårdsverket) Miljöövervakningen Additional NMR Partners: MISU, Stockholm; FMI, Helsinki, KIKU, Copenhagen Other ASCOS Partners: ETHZ Switzerland, Leeds UK, NCAR USA... (
Arctic Summer Cloud-Ocean Study 2008 The main goal of ASCOS is to gain a better understanding of important climate processes in the Arctic, to improve future climate models with a particular emphasis on the summertime clouds.
Start: 1 Jan 2007 (4 years) 48 European Partners from 25 countries: Coordination: University of Helsinki, Finnish Meteorological Institute Objectives: 1) Reduction of the current uncertainty of the impact of aerosol particles on climate by 50% and quantification of the relationship between anthropogenic aerosol particles and regional air quality. 2) Quantification of the side effects of European air quality directives on global and regional climate, and provide tools for future quantifications for different stakeholders. EUCAARI European Integrated Project on Aerosol - Climate - Air Quality Interactions
European Super-sites for Atmospheric Aerosol Research An EU-Infrastructure Project 21 European Partners Objectives 1: Ensure measurements and QA/QC of aerosol chemical, optical and physical properties 2: Ensure dissemination of data and capacity building 3: Develop future tools for aerosol monitoring and dissemination of information 4: Ensure trans-national access of research infrastructures
Amazonia SMPS system (Lund) Own design, manufacture and calibration Medium-long DMA (Vienna-type, own manufacture) Particle counter: TSI CPC 3760A nm Closed-loop (driers and filters in loop) Scanning mode (up and downscan, Labview software) CPC desmearing to improve time resolution Time resolution: 3 min RH and T sensors for data QA Measurements started April 2005
”Lund” Background Site – Vavihill Vavihill Lund
The Vavihill site Regional background – Southern Sweden Twin-DMPS (3-900 nm)
Vavihill – Aerosol Instrumentation Size distribution AIS (0.5 – 30 nm) INES DMPS ( nm) APS (0.8 – 10 m) Optical properties Nephelometer (Ecotech, 3-wavelength) PSAP soot photometer Cloud-related properties HTDMA CCN counter Aerosol ”chemistry” PM2.5/PM10 (TEOM-FDMS) OC/EC (denuder - quartz filter – sorbent; DRI Carbon Analyzer) Fossil/modern carbon ( 14 C; SS-AMS) Aerodyne Aerosol Mass Spectrometer PIXE (Source apportionment)
Dry Size Distributions DMPS Hygroscopic Properties HTDMA CCN Prediction Model CCN Properties CCNC Size-Resolved Chemistry AMS Hygroscopic Growth Model Cloud Microphysical Properties Satellite Retrieval Cloud Parcel Model Effective Supersaturation Model Estimate Indirect Radiative Forcing Model Estimate EUSAAR NA3, JRA2 Aerosol measurements EUCAARI WP2.1 (Aerosol transformation EUCAARI WP5.2 FLEXPART EUCAARI WP2.4 Source Apportionment EUCAARI WP3.3 Parameterizations EUCAARI WP3.4 European CTM EUCAARI WP3.4 Aerosol Forcing
Aqua/Modis Images a) May 5th, 2004, 11:40 UTC and b) August 22nd, 2004, 11:35 UTC. Clouds with smaller r e appear to be greener. Red: Visible reflectance Green: 3.7 µm reflectance Blue: 10.8 µm brightness temperature. Freud et al, Tellus, In Press (2008) Satellite Retrievals of Cloud Microphysics a) b) Polluted Air Mass Clean Air Mass
The relation between the temperature at which the profile of the 30th percentile effective radius crosses 14 µm (T14 – left vertical axis) and a) PM0.5 measured at Aspvreten (red) or Vavihill (green) Satellite Retrievals of Cloud Microphysics Polluted Air Masses Clean Air Masses Freud et al, Tellus, In Press (2008)