HPM Effects and Sources (E&S) Dr. John Rodgers Institute for Research in Electronics and Applied Physics (IREAP) rodgers@umd.edu Students & Post docs: Mike Holloway (DEPS Scholar), Todd Firestone, Colin Kennedy, Arlene Wangia & Dr. Zeynep Dilli Faculty: Profs. Granatstein, Antonsen, Ott & Anlage; Drs. Nusinovich, Shkvarunets & Sinitsyn
Overview of HPM Effects Research Power Supply Power Bus EMI Gasket Mapping of Electromagnetic Fields Nonlinear Circuit Dynamics HPM Effects Involve: Complex field distributions that are very sensitive to changes in the system Circuit response that is very sensitive to the HPM waveform characteristics (amplitude, frequency, pulse length, modulation bandwidth, etc.) Critical scaling laws as IC technology advances
HPM Effects Spectrum HPM Electronic systems may be susceptible to HPM anywhere across the 200-5000 MHz frequency band. Achieving high probability of effect requires wideband sources capable of: 10 MW powers and kJ pulse energies for close range applications (e.g. vehicle stopping & IED defeat) 100 MW powers for long ranges (e.g. missile defense).
Previous HPM Effects Studies Comparison of results from experiments and simulations HPM Effects Circuit Model We have made great strides in understanding the basic electronics of HPM upset in circuits. Our new models yield fast, accurate predictions using commercial circuit simulators (e. g. ADS).
Proposed AppEl Research: HPM E&S Comprehensive HPM effects program Study HPM effects in electronic systems Design highly effective HPM waveforms Develop wideband test sources Deliver accurate systems effects models Support DE efforts @ NSWC and AFRL
Proposed AppEl Research: HPM E&S Comprehensive HPM effects program Study HPM effects in electronic systems Design highly effective HPM waveforms Develop wideband test sources Deliver accurate systems effects models Support DE efforts @ NSWC and AFRL
Proposed AppEl Research: HPM E&S Wideband HPM Source Comprehensive HPM effects program Study HPM effects in electronic systems Determine the most effective HPM waveforms Develop wideband test sources Deliver accurate systems effects models Support DE efforts @ NSWC and AFRL
Proposed AppEl Research: E&S Comprehensive HPM effects program Develop wideband test sources Study HPM effects in electronic systems Design highly effective HPM waveforms Deliver accurate systems effects models Support DE efforts @ NSWC and AFRL
Proposed AppEl Research: DE, mm & mm Wave Sources 35 GHz Harmonic Gyrotron 35 GHz Harmonic Gyro-amplifier Directed Energy Sources Harmonic gyrotrons for ADS, advanced radar, EW Terahertz Electronics Remote sensing, high-speed communications
Proposed AppEl Research: Rail Guns UMD Coaxial Gun Investigate innovative methods for storing and releasing magnetic energy.
AppEl Extension & Education NSWC Dahlgren & JNLWD has expressed an interest in developing our wideband chaotic HPM sources for effects testing. Internships for USNA Trident Scholars DEPS Graduate Scholarships REU Internships