Data: How to Read It How to Use It 1 Printed with permission from the following National Science Foundation Long Term Ecological Research sites involved.


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Presentation transcript:

Data: How to Read It How to Use It 1 Printed with permission from the following National Science Foundation Long Term Ecological Research sites involved in the Agrarian Lands in Transition ( grant (#DEB ): CAP, CWT, HFR, KBS, KNZ, SGS

List what biomes are found in each of the following states: Arizona, Colorado, Kansas, North Carolina, Massachusetts, Michigan Printed with permission from the following National Science Foundation Long Term Ecological Research sites involved in the Agrarian Lands in Transition ( grant (#DEB ): CAP, CWT, HFR, KBS, KNZ, SGS

This bar graph shows the average precipitation in six major biomes. What would be an appropriate title for this graph? (mm) Desert Grassland Rainforest Taiga Deciduous Tundra Precipitation Forest Printed with permission from the following National Science Foundation Long Term Ecological Research sites involved in the Agrarian Lands in Transition ( grant (#DEB ): CAP, CWT, HFR, KBS, KNZ, SGS

In Michigan, what is the average precipitation (approximate) during the summer months (June, July, August)? Printed with permission from the following National Science Foundation Long Term Ecological Research sites involved in the Agrarian Lands in Transition ( grant (#DEB ): CAP, CWT, HFR, KBS, KNZ, SGS

In comparing the precipitation and temperatures, summarize what visitors might expect in the winter versus the summer in Michigan. Printed with permission from the following National Science Foundation Long Term Ecological Research sites involved in the Agrarian Lands in Transition ( grant (#DEB ): CAP, CWT, HFR, KBS, KNZ, SGS