Short Stories during South Africa’s Apartheid Period (1): Njabulo Ndebele (2): The Music of the Violin
"The Music of the Violin" How are the two women (Vukani’s mother and Beatrice) different from the two men (Vukani’s father and Dr. Zwane in the opening scene? What are they each concerned with? How are Vukani and Toboho treated differently? How does Vukani respond to having visitors at home? Why is he so afraid? How is “education” presented in this story? In the two central scenes of conflicts, how are the issues of gender and race mixed together?
The Adults gender relations Vukani’s mother and Beatrice – about the Saturday meeting of the Housewives’ League and the Jewish recipes; something they find precious While the men laugh at them pp. 95, 97-98 The men are condescending to the women and their “Housewives’ League.” “Peace, women of Africa”
Gender Relations Vukani’s father (school inspector) and Dr. Zwane– about the “invisible” garden plots in a bush school Vukani’s father– African nationalism. (96-97) on South African Jews Toboho and her mother serving tea The mother argues for the universality of food, music and literature. Is this true?
Education of Different Kinds Ideological control -- Vukani’s homework (104) --"the coming of the whites" led "to the establishment of prosperity and peace among the various Bantu tribes." Evasion of control -- Mabaso –the teacher at a bush school; Physical punishment -- Ms. Yende 100 red dress = violin; Maseko – prefers to be a hungry dog than a chained dog; seen as wandering dog; p. 101
Education (2) P. 108 Vukani’s mother turns her son into Mozart; Mrs. Zwane her daughter into ballerina
Vukani in between the gangs and the “educated” wanted to escape 97; wish to talk to Toboho; His anxiety and latent need for rebellion (book turned into flame 99 & Doksi p. 100); source—school teachers, parents Another source of his anxiety – the school kids his violin (“strange guitar”) stolen p. 101 – “inspector’s son” “music man” pp. 104 – Bhuka and the copper bangles
Cultural Conflicts sexism The father vs. the mother: nationalism vs. assimilationism into Western culture The father is aware of Boer’s discrimination. The boys on the street – in support of African music (e.g. "Thoko Ujola Nobani" ) Their discriminatory views on women/girls