Chapter 9 - Attraction Part 1: Oct. 27, 2010
Attraction Humans have social needs – those with close friendships are happier –Affiliation –Loneliness
What factors determine friendships? 1. Proximity – most powerful predictor. –We like those we are close to/live with. Why? 2. Mere Exposure effect -
2. Physical Attractiveness –Predicts dating frequency and nature of interactions with others. Matching phenomenon – pair off with people of similar attractiveness (friends and partners). –What effect does this have?
Physical Attractiveness Influences adults’ judgments – –Attractive child rated more intelligent (even though descriptions didn’t differ). “What is beautiful is good” stereotype –Any real differences?
Attractiveness Ratings Although beauty standards vary across time & culture, in general, we prefer – –1) –2) Evolutionary explanation?
Liking and Similarity Which causes which? –Similarity Liking or Liking Similarity Do opposites attract? –Complementarity hypothesis –Any evidence for it?