1 Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering Discussion D0.1 What will you learn in this course?
2 Think of some product that uses electricity Toaster Washing machine Radio, TV, iPod Computer Automobile What do all these products have in common?
3 Input Sensors Analog circuits Processing Digital circuits Output Actuators Magnetic circuits A typical product The course DC circuits Op amps Digital circuits AC circuits Magnetic circuits Motors
4 Input Sensors Analog circuits Processing Digital circuits Output Actuators Magnetic circuits A typical product In the lab you will work in groups of four and throughout the course your group will invent and design some useful product that 1.uses the amount of squeezing of a hand grip as input 2.processes this data digitally, and 3.causes something to move using a relay or motor
5 Part 1 of the course DC circuits Op amps TopicLecturePages Analog & digital signals, voltage and current, circuit elementsD Ohm's law and Kirchoff's law, examplesD , Binary numbers, R2-R ladder network, D/A converterD2.2App D, F Nodal analysisD Mesh analysisD Circuit Theorems, Thevenin's and Norton's theoremsD , Wheatstone bridgeD Ideal Op Amp, Non-inverting amplifier, Inverting amplifierD Differential amplifier, summing circuit, current-to-voltage converterD , 340
6 Current
7 Voltage
8 Power
9 The Electromagnetic Spectrum
10 Digital circuits Part 2 of the course TopicsLecturePages Digital systems, number systemsD , D Basic logic gates, DeMorgan's theoremD5.1E Sum of Products and Product of Sums designD5.1E Implementing logic gates and digital circuits, CPLDsD5.2G Boolean algebra, Karnaugh mapsD6.1, D Implementing combinational circuits using VerilogD Semiconductors, diodes, LEDs, 7-segment displaysD , 394 Latches and flip-flopsD , H CountersD8.2 H Implementing sequential circuits using VerilogD8.2 H State machines D A/D converters, pulse-width modulation D8.3
11 AC circuits Magnetic circuits Motors Part 3 of the course TopicsPages Capacitors and Inductors Sinusoidal functions, complex numbers, phasors Impedance and admittance , Instantaneous power, average power, RMS values Power factor, residential AC power circuits DC machines dc motors, dc generators Magnetic circuits, mutual inductance Linear transformer, ideal transformer Power supply circuits