Phyllosilicate-bearing Trough Latitude/longitude: North, East Rationale: The phyllosilicates exposed here may be lacustrine sediments. Morphology and Mineralogy: The strongest phyllosilicate exposure in Gale crater occurs in a trough between the light-toned ridge and the rest of the mound. The surface is smooth and appears to be indurated. Ridges in the surface may be preserved bedforms. What will the rover specifically do here? Test the hypothesis that the phyllosilicates are lacustrine sediment and that they preserve evidence of habitability. Place the phyllosilicates in the stratigraphic sequence of the Gale mound. Next Slide
Feature of Interest PSP_009294_1750
Olivine Smectites Sulfates Sulfates + Phyllosilicates Milliken (2010) – 4th MSL Landing Site Workshop Feature of Interest