John Arthur X-ray November 11, 2008 SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory 1 X-ray Overview LCLS Directorate structure.


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Presentation transcript:

John Arthur X-ray November 11, 2008 SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory 1 X-ray Overview LCLS Directorate structure Timeline and project status LCLS instruments Adding new instruments Thinking about major upgrades John Arthur LCLS Photon Systems Manager

John Arthur X-ray November 11, 2008 SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory 2 New LCLS organization

John Arthur X-ray November 11, 2008 SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory 3 SLAC Organization SLAC Director P. Drell Engineering & Technical Support L. Klaisner Operations A. Merola LCLS D. Knutson SSRL J. St ö hr Particle Physics & Astrophysics S. Kahn Photon Science K. Hodgson

John Arthur X-ray November 11, 2008 SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory 4 LCLS Directorate Organization LCLS Director Dale Knutson Accelerator Systems Div John Seeman Business Div Cindy Lowe Experimental Facilities Div Jochen Schneider Engineering Physics Div David Schultz Strategic Projects Div John Galayda LCLS Construction LUSI

John Arthur X-ray November 11, 2008 SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory 5 Transition from Project to Facility Responsibility for operation of LCLS instruments and LCLS X-ray science lies with the Experimental Facilities Division (XFD) Head, responsible for User outreach: Jochen Schneider Deputy, responsible for LCLS science:Jerry Hastings Responsible for User operations: John Arthur Group includes Photon Systems and LUSI staff (about 20 today) Growing quickly but thoughtfully (hiring now)

John Arthur X-ray November 11, 2008 SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory 6 Web site

John Arthur X-ray November 11, 2008 SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory 7 User info

John Arthur X-ray November 11, 2008 SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory 8 LCLS resources matrixed to projects LCLS Director Accelerator Systems Div Business Div Experimental Facilities Div Engineering Physics Div Strategic Projects Div LCLS Construction LUSI PMCS Instrument scientists Engineers Controls

John Arthur X-ray November 11, 2008 SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory 9 Resources move as instruments turn on LCLS Director Accelerator Systems Div Business Div Experimental Facilities Div Engineering Physics Div Strategic Projects Div LCLS Construction LUSI Instrument scientists Engineers

John Arthur X-ray November 11, 2008 SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory 10 Re-establish e  to SL2 LTU/UndComm. First Light in FEE First Light in FEH Ops for AMO JJFFMMAAMMJJJJAASSDDJJFFMMAAMMJJJJAASSOONNDDJJFFMMAAMMJJJJ ON A A Down PPS Linac/BC2 Commissioning FEL/FEECommissioning Nov. 3, 2008 Install Undulators M M D D LTU/Und/Dump Install FEE/NEH Install PPS Cert. LTU/Dump CD-4 (7/31/2010) X-Rays in NEH now D D Down? FEH Hutch BO LCLS Installation and Commissioning Time-Line Ops for AMO, SXR, XPP

John Arthur X-ray November 11, 2008 SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory 11 Project Status in November 2008 XTOD is assembling instruments at LLNL All mirrors have arrived, meet specs Preparing for installation start in December Expect X-rays in May XES is working on final designs AMO procurements have started Added manpower to meet aggressive schedule Preparing for installation start in May Expect X-rays in July

John Arthur X-ray November 11, 2008 SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory 12 Solid Attenuator Gas Attenuator Slit Start of Experimental Hutches 5 mm collimator Muon Shield Hard X-Ray Offset mirror system Pulse Energy Thermal Detector Gas Detector e-e- Direct Imager Hard x-ray Monochromator (K Spectrometer) Soft X-Ray Offset mirror system LLNL Front end X-ray optics being assembled at LLNL X-ray front end

John Arthur X-ray November 11, 2008 SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory 13 LCLS X-ray mirrors have been received at LLNL, and meet critical specifications for long-period flatness SOMS mirror coated with B 4 C at LLNL

John Arthur X-ray November 11, 2008 SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory 14 AMO Instrument John Bozek

John Arthur X-ray November 11, 2008 SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory 15 XPP Instrument David Fritz

John Arthur X-ray November 11, 2008 SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory 16 CXI Instrument Sebastien Boutet

John Arthur X-ray November 11, 2008 SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory 17 XCS Instrument Aymeric Robert

John Arthur X-ray November 11, 2008 SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory 18 LCLS expansion Staff/user space Additional instruments Soft X-ray materials science (SXR) Materials in extreme environments (MEE) Soft X-ray FEL for End Station A Use rest of SLAC linac Upstream 2km could provide 28 GeV

John Arthur X-ray November 11, 2008 SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory 19 Staff/User Space

John Arthur X-ray November 11, 2008 SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory 20 Proposed staff plan for LCLS X-ray ops ~2012 Instrument scientist3618 Instrument engineer136 Senior technical staff (laser, elec, mech, PPS, controls, detector)6832 Junior technical staff2535 Administration (user admin, facility admin)345 ES&H112 R&D technical staff3610 Scientific software & data management4612 Other024 TOTAL bodies at end of FY Shown to Lehman Review 5-08

John Arthur X-ray November 11, 2008 SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory 21 Could use NEH office space PULSE Laser Lab LCLS Lasers Conf Data storage Office space for about 8 people

John Arthur X-ray November 11, 2008 SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory 22 Could use bldg 751 (collider hall) First floor (needs renovation) Second floor (already renovated) Space for 22 Space for 15-20

John Arthur X-ray November 11, 2008 SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory 23 Could build new, small, modular building LCLS is hoping to do all these things to provide new space for ~100 people in 2010

John Arthur X-ray November 11, 2008 SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory 24 Adding new instrumentation to LCLS New instruments: SXR & MEE

John Arthur X-ray November 11, 2008 SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory 25 Procedure for adding LCLS instrumentation Policy for outside groups which propose to add instrumentation to the LCLS facility Must offer a significant addition of general utility to LCLS Must get support of LCLS (with evaluation by SAC) Then group and LCLS decide final layout and timeline, sign MOU Some access priority can be negotiated, for limited time Instrumentation reverts to LCLS ownership/management

John Arthur X-ray November 11, 2008 SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory 26 First example of addition to LCLS SXR instrument: Soft X-ray Materials studies Consortium led by Anders Nilsson (SLAC/Stanford) and Wilfried Wurth (CFEL/Univ Hamburg) Institutions: Stanford, DESY, LBNL, CFEL Monochromatic soft-X-ray line to complement AMO line Fast-track schedule: operation in early 2010 Status: MOU being signed, integrating schedule with LCLS Total funding $4M (LCLS contribution $1.5M)

John Arthur X-ray November 11, 2008 SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory 27 SXR will fit into the LCLS structure LCLS Director Dale Knutson Accelerator Systems Div John Seeman Business Div Cindy Lowe Experimental Facilities Div Jochen Schneider operate SXR for science Engineering Physics Div David Schultz Strategic Projects Div John Galayda LCLS Construction manage SXR construction LUSI

John Arthur X-ray November 11, 2008 SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory 28 Second example of addition to LCLS MEE instrument: Materials in extreme environments Institutions: STFC (UK), LLNL, NNSA, tbd Hard X-ray instrument with high-power laser Create extreme states with laser or FEL, probe with laser or FEL Status: Technical concept being prepared 3-phase project, total cost ~$17M (phase 1 cost ~$4M) Proposed LCLS contribution: Hutch 6 and beam transport

John Arthur X-ray November 11, 2008 SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory 29 The Long Term: Major Upgrades New undulators Higher energy X-rays Multiple FEL’s

John Arthur X-ray November 11, 2008 SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory 30 LCLS Major upgrade to LCLS: branch line using ESA Status: concept

John Arthur X-ray November 11, 2008 SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory 31 Summary New LCLS Directorate structure for running facility, making upgrades XTOD group and AMO station will install soon LUSI instruments working on design LCLS accommodates additional instruments Major upgrades being considered