Using MeSH: Medical Subject Headings Before searching, use the MeSH database to identify search terms.
Enter your terms. Be sure that… …this box says MeSH and not PubMed.
PubMed produces a list of all MeSH terms that resemble the terms you entered. Here, an exact match was found. However, browse the list of other terms. These may also be helpful. Click on the terms that match best and then…
Browse the list of subheadings. By selecting one or more, you can narrow your search.
…or the boxt next to the subheading you select. Click on the box next to the MeSH term you select… Then, click on Send to and select ‘Search Box with And’
When the screen has this box, click ‘SearchPubMed.’
PubMed separates out literature reviews from your total result set. The number of results indicates this search need to be made more specific with more terms or other limits. Click Limits to limit your search by year, type of article, or other ways. Click on the authors for more information about the article. \
This screen provides citation information and an abstract (summary) for the article. Click here to figure out how to get the article.
1 Click on ‘Citation’ where it says ‘Display’ to view… Sometimes, you’ll do all these steps and only get one or two useful articles. Follow these steps to use one article to find more. Click on ‘Related Links’ or…
…the abstract as well as other MeSH terms given to this article. This can provide other terms to search with. Click here to figure out how to get the article.