CDR recommendations
General overview Coalesce & Clarify & Combine –Significant overlap and redundancies –This list of recommendations is very useful and powerful --- if we can focus it into a clear and concise message –Identify tools, actions, GHRSST, best practice Report that comes from this meeting will be the new authoritative document? Or do we keep editing the white paper but perhaps add the list of actions to the front
Themes that emerged Documentation (best practice) Validation Diurnal variability Ensembles Climate applications
Documentation Document every step along the way so that users don’t have to call up X to ask Y. Ideally any funding mechanism will require a PUBLIC report Archive facilities must also include extensive documentation
Validation Deploy a sustained sustained network of ship-based cost-effective radiometers with MET and other ancillary sensors as poart of a sustained ocean observing system in support of climate data records rather than specific sensor projects. NEAR TERM
Diurnal Variability How much diurnal variabilty is in the climate record? Can we account for DV in the climate record or will this introduce biasing? A better understanding of observed DV and new/improved model development (NEAR TERM) Validating models and estimating errors (MID TERM) Accounting for DV in CDR (LONG TERM)
Ensembles As we move forward, it is important to recognize multiple solutions are valuable This is an overarching theme that emerged for many topics (eg. Algorithm development, validation, modelling, etc..)
Climate applications Understanding of varying uncertainties and how they impact utilization of satellite SSTs in climate applications Funding applications to utilize satelite CDRs with explicit feedback loops to the producers (NEAR TERM) As we move forward, using OSSEs to continually improve the observing systems (MID TERM)
We did not explicitly cover physics, data merging, or RTM