Professor Michael H. Depledge DSc. Chair of Environment and Human Health Universities: Sustainable Futures
How is the World changing ? Shenzhen, China
How will life on Earth change by 2050 ? More, then less people Increase in populations Global warming Overall reduction in land-based food production Increased reliance on electric cars ( 1000 more nuclear power stations ) Ageing global population Climate refugees More than 70% of the World population will live in cities Re-ordering of world ranking of States More novel pollutants Nanotechnology will represent more than 25% of manufacture Psychiatric disorders will be the major global health issue Leasing versus ownership Quality of Life vs Wealth Creation Increased ground level ozone Spread of infections diseases Fresh Water ??? Energy ??? How should we respond ?
Coming soon to a place near you ! Flash floods Coastal flooding Storm surges Heat waves Infectious diseases Invasive species Toxic algal blooms Hurricanes Ocean acidification Ozone Crop failure
Your lifestyle ?
Making the link….
What if the climate is not changing ? Would our environment be sustainable ? Renewable energy Environmental pollution Demographic change (ageing) Water resources Food security (agriculture, aquaculture) Biodiversity loss
Practical Measures How do we know what is sustainable Are there any models to follow ? Who else in engaged in similar activities ? How can we achieve behavioural change ? How will we know when we have achieved sustainablility
Practical Measures How do we know what is sustainable Are there any models to follow ? Who else is engaged in similar activities ? How can we achieve behavioural change ? How will we know when we have achieved sustainablility Reliable information sources e.g. NHS Sustainable Development Unit Novel Communication methods, Viral marketing, Movements, etc. Monitoring, criteria for success, constant change, the unknown, resilience ? Who is best at sustainability ?
Carbon Footprint for NHS England (Data from NHS Sustainable Development Unit and Campaign for Greener Health Care) Courtesy of Dr Frances Mortimer
‘Sustainability Diagnosis’ –The team will diagnose the ‘sustainability status’ of your organisation, speak to key staff and review plans, policies and procedures to provide you with a comprehensive gap analysis, including templates for missing policies, and a report on the options for prioritising tasks, with associated budgetary implications. ‘The Sustainability Helpline’ –The team will be available to answer questions about any of the areas covered in the scope and provide an agreed number of hours of telephone/ /in-person support. Green Mental Health
‘Virtual Sustainability Manager’ –A dedicated person in our team can act as your Sustainability or Environmental Manager if there is an existing skills gap in your organisation or a need for additional knowledge and experience to your existing capacity. Our whole team can provide input as required. ‘Eco Surgery’ –The team can help to engage your clinical staff in sustainable healthcare – developing communications, training and ward-level programmes to achieve tangible social, environmental and economic improvements Green Mental Health
THE STEP CHANGE VirtuousTriangle Health and Wellbeing Nature Sustainable Development VisciousCircle Economic Drivers Environmental Degradation Stress and Illness Consumerism Higher Taxation Search for Happiness