VIII.1 RESONANCE CROSS SECTIONS EFFECTIVE CROSS SECTIONS Cross sections (see Chap.I) given as a function of the relative velocity of the n w.r.t. the target nucleus Impact of the thermal motion of the heavy nuclei! No longer considered as immobile (as in chap.II) Reaction rate: where : absolute velocities of the n and nucleus, resp. But P and : f (scalar v) Effective cross section: with
Particular cases Let 1. (see chap.I, Breit-Wigner profile for E << Eo) Profile in the relative v unchanged in the absolute v 2. slowly variable and velocity above the thermal domain Conservation of the relative profiles outside the resonances 3. Energy of the n low compared to the thermal zone Effect of the thermal motion on measurements of at low E indep. of !
Doppler profile for a resonance centered in Eo >> kT ? DOPPLER EFFECT Rem: = convolution of and widening of the resonance peak Doppler profile for a resonance centered in Eo >> kT ? Maxwellian spectrum for the thermal motion: Effective cross section: (Eo: energy of the relative motion !)
Approximation: Let: : reduced mass of the n-nucleus system : Doppler width of the peak
COMPARISON WITH THE NATURAL PROFILE Let: and ( : peak width) Natural profile Bethe-Placzek fcts Doppler profile
Properties of the Bethe – Placzek functions (low to) Natural profiles 0 (high to) Widening of the peak, but conservation of the total surface below the resonance peak (in this approximation) and
VIII.2 RESONANCE INTEGRAL Absorption rate in a resonance peak: By definition, resonance integral: Flux depression in the resonance but slowing-down density +/- cst on the u of 1 unique resonance If absorption weak or = : Before the resonance: because (as: asymptotic flux, i.e. without resonance) I : equivalent cross section (p : scattering of potential) and
Resonance escape proba For a set of isolated resonances: Homogeneous mix Ex: moderator m and absorbing heavy nuclei a Heterogeneous mix Ex: fuel cell Hyp: asymptotic flux spatially constant too At first no ( scattering are different), but as = result of a large nb of collisions ( in the fuel as well as in m) Homogenization of the cell: V1 Vo V
VIII.3 RESONANCE INTEGRAL – HOMOGENEOUS THERMAL REACTORS INFINITE DILUTION Very few absorbing atoms (u) = as(u) (resonance integral at dilution) NR AND NRIA APPROXIMATIONS Mix of a moderator m (non-absorbing, scattering of potential m) and of N (/vol.) absorbing heavy nuclei a.
Microscopic cross sections per absorbing atom NR approximation (narrow resonance) Narrow resonance s.t. and i.e., in terms of moderation, qi >> ures: By definition:
NRIA approximation (narrow resonance, infinite mass absorber) Narrow resonance s.t. but (resonance large enough to undergo several collisions with the absorbant wide resonance, WR) for the absorbant Thus Natural profile with and
NR NRIA for ( dilution: I I) I if ([absorbant] ) Remarks NR NRIA for ( dilution: I I) I if ([absorbant] ) Resonance self-protection: depression of the flux reduces the value of I Doppler profile with J(,) if (i.e. T ) Fast stabilizing effect linked to the fuel T as E T I p keff T
Choice of the approximation? Practical resonance width: p s.t. B-W>pa To compare with the mean moderation due to the absorbant p < (1 - a) Eo NR p > (1 - a) Eo NRIA Intermediate cases ? We can write with =0 (NRIA),1 (NR) Goldstein – Cohen method : Intermediate value de from the slowing-down equation
VIII.4 RESONANCE INTEGRAL – HETEROGENEOUS THERMAL REACTORS GEOMETRIC SELF-PROTECTION Outside resonances (see above): Asymptotic flux spatially uniform with (Rem: fuel partially moderating) In the resonances: Strong depression of the flux in Vo Geometric self-protection of the resonance Justification of the use of heterogeneous reactors (see notes) V1 Vo V I
NR AND NRIA APPROXIMATIONS Hyp: k(u) spatially cst in zone k; resonance o 1 Let Pk : proba that 1 n appearing uniformly and isotropically at lethargy u in zone k will be absorbed or moderated in the other zone Slowing-down in the fuel ? NR approximation qo, q1 >> Rem: Pk = leakage proba without collision
Reminder chap.II Relation between Po and P1 p1V1P1 = to(u)VoPo
NRIA approximation Thus Wigner approximation for Po : with l : average chord length in the fuel (see appendix) NRIA approximation since the absorbant does not moderate with
Thus Pk : leakage proba, with or without collision If Pc = capture proba for 1 n emitted …, then Wigner approx: INR, INRIA formally similar to the homogeneous case Equivalence theorems and
DOPPLER EFFECT IN HETEROGENEOUS MEDIA NR case: without Wigner, with Doppler Doppler, while neglecting the interference term: NRIA case: same formal result with and with
Appendix: average chord length Let : chord length in volume V from on S in the direction with : internal normal ( ) Proportion of chords of length : linked to the corresponding normal cross section: Average chord length: