Lecture 5: Thermal Emission Chapter 6, Petty We thank Prof. Cheng-ta Cheng for sharing his online notes on this subject.
Thermal Emission Principal source of longwave radiation. Emission is the process by which some of the internal energy of a material is converted into radiant energy. We absorb longwave radiation that is emitted by our environment and our own body also lose heat energy via emission of radiation. (but why don’t we feel it) Possible to derive the relationship between temperature and thermal emission from first principle (quantum mechanics and statistical thermodynamics). Here we will just directly explain the general characteristics of thermal emission.
In thermodynamics, the internal energy is the total energy contained by a thermodynamic systemthermodynamicsenergy thermodynamic system Internal energy has two major components, kinetic energy and potential energy. The kinetic energy is due to the motion of the system's particles (translations, rotations, vibrations), and the potential energy is associated with the static constituents of matter, static electric energy of atoms within molecules or crystals, and the static energy of chemical bondskinetic energypotential energytranslationsrotationsvibrationsstatic electricatomscrystalschemical bonds First Law of Thermodynamics/ Internal Energy
Key facts about thermal emission Planck’s function
Planck curve
Planck’s Function Blackbody doesn't emit equal amounts of radiation at all wavelengths Most of the energy is radiated within a relatively narrow band of wavelengths. The exact amount of energy emitted at a particular wavelength lambda is given by the Planck function:
Planck’s function Planck’s function is seen to have its peak at a wavelength that is inversely proportional to absolute temperature. - At any given wavelength, emission increases monotonically with increasing temperature. - Emission is not symmetrically distributed about its peak.
Planck’s Function (cont.)
Solar Spectrum
Intensity and Wavelength of Emitted Radiation : Earth and Sun
Wein’s Displacement Law m T = m K Gives the wavelength of the maximum emission of a blackbody, which is inversely proportional to its temperature 300K: ~10 m 6000K: ~0.5 m
What is a “blackbody” - An object that absorbs radiation perfectly - absorptivity, a=1
Stefan-Boltzmann Law
Emissivity and Kirchoff’s Law Actual irradiance by a non-blackbody at wavelength Emittance: Often referred to as emissivity Emissivity is a function of the wavelength of radiation and the viewing angle and) is the ratio of energy radiated by the material to energy radiated by a black body at the same temperatureradiatedblack body absorbed / incident Absorptivity (r, reflectivity; t, transmissivity)
Stefan-Boltzmann Law Answer:
Rayleigh-Jeans Approximation
Emissivity What is a “emissivity”? -the ratio of what is emitted by a given surface to what would be emitted if it were a blackbody. -emissivity at a single wavelength (remote sensing, intensities) - emissivity over a broad range of wavelengths (energy transfer, fluxes).
Monochromatic Emissivity
Graybody Emissivity
(Jin and Liang, 2006 J. of Climate) MODIS broadband emissivity Jan 2003 July 2001
Kirchhoff’s Law
Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium
Brightness temperature
Brightness temperature Answer:
Brightness temperature Answer:
When Des Thermal Emission Matter? When one can and can’t ignore thermal emission from the earth and the atmosphere? –At what wavelength? Solar radiation only, Both solar radiation and thermal emission, Thermal Emission only? 4μm
When Does Thermal Emission Matter?
Applications to Meteorology, Climatology and Remote Sensing graybody approximation to SW and LW radiation. SW absorptivity, a sw =(1-A). LW absorptivity, a lw =ε LW emissivity. Emitted LW flux = εσT 4, and ε≈1. Emission in SW band is negelected. Radiative equilibrium is all fluxes balance at each point in the system. If not equilibrium, the radiative imbalance may be interpreted as a heating or cooling rate
Applications to Meteorology, Climatology and Remote Sensing
Radiative Equilibrium in a Vacuum
- Radiative Equilibrium in a Vacuum
Top-of-the-Atmosphere Global Radiation Balance
The skin temperature used in calculating heat fluxes and radiation: G = f( T skin - T soil )Eq. (1) H = C DH U(T aero -T a )Eq. (2) LE =C DE U(q Tskin *-q a )Eq. (3) (1-α)S d +LW d -εσT skin 4 -H-LE - G= 0 RnRn
IR Imaging from Space