Telecom and Informatics 1 Future Work: Gap analysis and Roadmapping Plans for further work Arne J. Berre, SINTEF
Telecom and Informatics 2 The CBSEnet Roadmapping process CBSE Classification Model -Concepts -Process -Roles -Business -Product Landscape documents 1.Domain 2.Visions 3.CBSE practice 4.CBSE stds/tec 5.CBSE research, IST 6.Issues/Gaps practice, stds/tec, research 7. Roadmap recommendations practice, stds/tec, research Landscape Domains -Common -Business - Finance -Telecom -COTS -Simulation -GIS -…embedded -Web services -MDA CBSE Survey -State of the practice
Telecom and Informatics 3 Gap Analysis activities Research Gap A research gap is a fundamental absence of knowledge. Technology Gap A technology gap is an absence of technology or the integration of technologies. Research results are available (i.e. from IST projects), but has not yet been manifested in products. Standards Gap A standards gap is the absence of Standard components, concepts/infrastructure, process, …
Telecom and Informatics 4 Roadmapping Whilst gap analysis identifies missing research, technology, and standards, the process of creating a roadmap is concerned with actions to close the gap. Generally, this process of creating a roadmap is called roadmapping. Roadmapping was originally developed to help organizations anticipate and clarify resource and performance requirements and to plan and systematically manage and integrate complex projects. Currently roadmapping is used within organizations to facilitate technology planning and communication.
Telecom and Informatics 5 Different types of Roadmaps A.Science and Technology Roadmaps B.Industry Technology Roadmaps C.Corporate or Product-Technology Roadmaps D.Product or Portfolio Management Roadmaps
Telecom and Informatics 6 Taxonomy of roadmaps
Telecom and Informatics 7 Roadmapping logic HaveWantInterpretation 11What can be done with existing RTS[1] to achieve a particular goal[1] 10What should be avoided to do with existing RTS 01A particular goal should be achieved, but there is insufficient RTS 00What should be avoided to do and there should be no activity to develop RTS [1][1] RTS = Research, Technology, Standards
Telecom and Informatics 8 Gap analysis vs Roadmap process Gap AnalysisRoadmap Process Research GapActions to close Research Gap Technology GapActions to close Technology Gap Standards GapActions to close Standards Gap
Telecom and Informatics 9 Roadmapping time horizon Time horizon T10-2 years T22-5 years T35-10 years
Telecom and Informatics 10 Roadmapping priorities Priority P0Irrelevant P1Relevant P2Important P3Essential
Telecom and Informatics 11 The CBSEnet Roadmapping process CBSE Classification Model -Concepts -Process -Roles -Business -Product Landscape documents 1.Domain 2.Visions 3.CBSE practice 4.CBSE stds/tec 5.CBSE research, IST 6.Issues/Gaps practice, stds/tec, research 7. Roadmap recommendations practice, stds/tec, research Landscape Domains -Common -Business - Finance -Telecom -COTS -Simulation -GIS -…embedded -Web services -MDA CBSE Survey -State of the practice
Telecom and Informatics 12 Next steps Finish Landscape documents for Business, Telecom and COTS – by Mid-May, 2003 Analyse differences/similarities between the domains/sectors – horizontal versus vertical structuring of topics/issues Initiate Landscape documents for new important domains: Embedded (Aerospace, Automotive, Command and Control, Process Control), – Identify new associate partners/contributors Write up benefits/experiences of the use of CBSE – not only inhibitors – Marketing the vision of CBSE +(CBSE-based Services/MDA) Further population of CBSE portal, - in particular the results of IST project research item analysis
Telecom and Informatics 13 3 rd CBSEnet Workshop, CBSE – What next ? (Gap analysis and roadmapping) OSLO, Norway September, 2003 Focus: CBSE Future challenges – Gap analysis – Identify and clarify the work to be done
Telecom and Informatics 14 Initial target focus for Gap analysis and Roadmaps Business (Finance) Telecom COTS Web Services vs Components Updated Landscape documents by Mid-May 2003 Further work until September 2003 on other domains: Embedded, GIS, Simulation, Finance, … other ? MDA technologies and issues
Telecom and Informatics 15 CBSE at ECOOP’2003 Input to Workshop on Component-based Programming, Darmstadt, July 2003 CBSEnet experiences
Telecom and Informatics 16 Discussion on the structure and content of the 3 rd CBSEnet workshop in Oslo Structure: Presentations, Position statements to be submitted ? Content: Components and Services, Model Driven Architecture, … Trusted components, … ??? Oslo workshop - September 25 th -26 th. By SINTEF and Telenor, Oslo, Norway