Status of activities of the WP4 on Radiopurity of Materials Pia Loaiza ILIAS meeting, Modane, January 12 th, 2005
Find it in : The database is stored in a dedicated server of the Centre de Calcul de Lyon. It is built using MySQL system combined with php scripts which allow to communicate from the web page to the database. ( Just starting with some data …) The data is load from a text file : format required is easily converted if original format is an Excel file.
Up to now, I have got data from : Jorge Puimed ó n from Canfranc for the collaborations : ANAIS, CAST and ROSEBUD. Gerard Nollez and Claudine Goldbach from LSM, for EDELWEISS (have to be written in proper format to be read in the database). Data planned to be included (after some work…): Data from UKDM site. Data from publications. At LRT2004, SNO people proposed to make their measurements available to be included in the database.
First step : Systematic comparison of measurements in the different labs: cross-check with one or more reference samples to compare instrumentation and possible systematics in the analysis method. Task b) Selection of materials to be investigated in terms of radiopurity levels