Everyone has a writing process. What is yours?
Why do you need a writing process? It can help you organize your thoughts. It can help you to avoid frustration. It can help youe use their time productively and efficiently.
Writing process Invention (Generar ideas) Invention (Generar ideas) Collection (Escoger las ideas) Collection (Escoger las ideas) Organization Organization Drafting (Hacer un primer borrador) Drafting (Hacer un primer borrador) Revising (Repasar y busca de errores) Revising (Repasar y busca de errores) Proofreading (Leer todo y repasar de nuevo) Proofreading (Leer todo y repasar de nuevo)
Invention: finding your ideas Brainstorming: Getting your ideas on paper (Escribir ideas sueltas que vengan a tu mente)
Brainstorming: coming up with ideas that interest you Listing: Choose the best main idea Topics Brainstorming
Clustering: mapping out ideas MAIN IDEA Secondary ideas
Collection Gathering ideas (Reunir y agrupar ideas por subtemas) Gathering ideas (Reunir y agrupar ideas por subtemas)
Organizing: putting information in an outline OUTLINE I. Introduction A. State your idea II. Body A. Develop ideas B. Support ideas with arguments III. Conclusion A. Reemphasize/summarize main idea
Drafting Give yourself time to work on your project. Give yourself time to work on your project. Find a comfortable place to do your writing. Find a comfortable place to do your writing. Avoid distractions. Avoid distractions. Take breaks. Take breaks.
Revising: reviewing ideas Review: Clear communication of ideas Organization of paper Paragraph structure Strong introduction and conclusion
Proofreading Review: Review: Spelling Spelling Punctuation Punctuation Sentence structure Sentence structure
Proofreading tips Slowly read your paper aloud. Read your paper backwards. Exchange papers with a friend. NOTE: Spell check will not catch everything, and grammar checks are often wrong!
Follow this suggestions and your writing will be: