New Standard Form (SF) 86 JPAS Release ( Information
New Standard Form (SF) 86 JPAS Release ( The Department of Defense will be deploying a new JPAS Release ( 27 August 2011 This new release is to implement the use of the December 2010 Standard Form (SF) 86 which will be deployed on August 29th, 2011 The new SF86 contains significant changes to the Security Clearance Application (SF86) as well as the inclusion of a new Fair Credit Release Form We anticipate the employee’s information from the old version of the SF-86 will be migrated to the new form. However, there may still be updates required to any of the old data that does not transition accurately to the new form 8/31/2011
New Standard Form (SF) 86 JPAS Release ( Changes by Section 8/31/2011
New Standard Form (SF) 86 Changes to Initial Instructions Public Burden Information section states average completion time of 150 min. as opposed to 120 min. Statement of Understanding section does not exist in the current form. The employee must answer “Yes” before they will allowed to move on. If they answer “No” they will get an error message NOTE: Many sections no longer use letters to identify questions, i.e. a, b, c. We have used them in this training as a reference to the old form 8/31/2011
New Standard Form (SF) 86 Changes to Sections 1 – 4 Identifying Information Combines section 1-4 only instead of sections 1-6 The place of birth blocks requires the state and country of birth, even if born in the US The SSN blocks has an option to check NA. However, if the employee was initiated using their SSN, which is the standard, they will be required to type in the same SSN that was used to initiate them. They will continue to get an error until they uncheck the box and type in the correct SSN 8/31/2011
New Standard Form (SF) 86 Changes to Section 5 Other Names Used If the employee answers “No”, the form will move them to section 6 If the employee answers “Yes” the next screen asks for additional information The layout changed. The fields will be listed from top to bottom vs. left to right There is a new field that will require the reason for the name change to be listed Every time the employee returns to this page they are required to answer “Yes” or “No” to this question. This occurs multiply times throughout different sections of the form 8/31/2011
New Standard Form (SF) 86 Changes to Section 6 Your Identifying Information This section used to be for your mother’s maiden name This section is now “your identifying information 8/31/2011
New Standard Form (SF) 86 Changes to Section 7 Your Contact Information This section used to be “your identifying information” This section is now “your contact information” 8/31/2011
New Standard Form (SF) 86 Changes to Section 8 US Passport Information This section used to be “your contact information” This section ask if the employee possesses a US Passport. “No” takes Them to section 9. “Yes” requires them to provide the expiration date and provide the names in which the passport was first used When entering the passport number the field requires exactly 9 characters 8/31/2011
New Standard Form (SF) 86 Changes to Section 9 Citizenship The answer to the first screen will determine which screen will be displayed next If the employee selects US citizen born abroad, they must now choose the type of document used to substantiate that claim or give detailed information if none of the 3 were chosen If the employee selects naturalized citizen, they must now include the complete street address of the court, not just city and state, along with basis of naturalization. They will also be required to complete the naturalization certificate info as well as the citizenship certificate info If the employee selects I am not a US citizen, instead of entering just the Alien Registration #, they must now include residence status, country of citizenship, date and place of entry, type of documentation, name document was issued under, issue date of document and visa expiration date. 8/31/2011
New Standard Form (SF) 86 Changes to Section 10 Dual/Multiple Citizenship This section now contains up to 8 separate screens if you answer “yes” A minimum of two countries must be entered, including the US If “yes” to having a foreign passport or identity card must include date and place issued, number and expiration date and name it was issued under If “yes” to ‘have you traveled to another country on this passport’ must enter place and dates of travel Even though you choose US as a country of citizenship, an explanation must be provided telling how you acquired the “non-US” citizenship. 8/31/2011
New Standard Form (SF) 86 Changes to Section 11 Where You Have Lived 10 years of history will be required Regardless of the type of investigation Employee’s information and verifiers information are on two separate pages If an address outside of the US is provided, the form branches off asking additional questions For the verifier, there will be three separate boxes for first, middle and last name; an option for a third phone number; an option for an email address and it will ask for the date of the last contact 8/31/2011
New Standard Form (SF) 86 Changes to Section 12 Where You Went To School The system will ask for a Point of Contact if school is listed within the past 3 years There is an option to select “I don’t know and a warning will be received. However, you will be able to continue entering data 8/31/2011
New Standard Form (SF) 86 Changes to Section 13a Employment Activities Self employment - will ask if physical work address if different than employer. If time is not listed to ‘present’ a reason for leaving is needed. If time is listed to ‘present’ the form will skip to a question which asks if a written warning etc. has been received There are now separate fields for the verifiers first and last name Unemployment – the phone number field has a drop down to select the time of day to call 8/31/2011
New Standard Form (SF) 86 Changes to Section 13b Former Federal Service Once the entry has been completed, it will revert back to the Summary page and ask if additional instances need to be entered. This questions must be answered every time that entry is accessed To move forward “No” must be selected 8/31/2011
New Standard Form (SF) 86 Changes to Section 13c Employment Record A sentence has been added stating if the answer is “yes” e-QIP will automatically go back to 13a so they can add the entry The question ask if any of the items have occurred within the past 7 years that were NOT previously listed. Once an entry is complete, they will have to go back to 13c and change the answer to “No” To move forward “No” must be selected 8/31/2011
New Standard Form (SF) 86 Changes to Section 14 Selective Service Record This section is now separated into two different screens The answer determines which screen is displayed next. If “No” the next section is displayed. If “yes” is selected, the next screen asks if you are registered there are now options to choose “Yes,” “IDK” or “No”. “IDK” or “No” will move to the next screen and provide a free text box to place an explanation “Yes” will take you to the next Screen which will have a field for the Selective Service Number and a link to the Selective Service Web Site. Only numbers can be entered into this field Selecting the link to the web site will take them outside of the form. They will need to verify they selected “open in different tab/window” so they don’t lose their place on the form 8/31/2011
New Standard Form (SF) 86 Changes to Section 15 Military History If “Yes” the next screen asks for detail Information 8/31/2011
New Standard Form (SF) 86 Changes to Section 15 Foreign Military History If “No” to the US Military service Question the next screen questions foreign country military or other foreign government service If “yes” is selected the next screen will ask for detailed information about that service If “No” the next section is displayed 8/31/2011
New Standard Form (SF) 86 Changes to Section 16 People Who Know You Well When selecting “Continue” this section will now display the detail screen. It is no longer necessary to “add an entry” Last, first and middle name has a box for each entry There are there are now two entry Spaces available for the phone number. You must enter at least one phone number. If “IDK” is selected it will give an error message An email address may now be provided After making the first entry and selecting “continue”, it is no longer necessary to select “add an entry.” It will automatically advance to the next screen where it requires you to select “yes” or “no” to “Do you have an additional person who knows you well to list” More than one entry is still required 8/31/2011
New Standard Form (SF) 86 Changes to Section 17 Marital Status Selecting “Never Married” takes you to the next screen and ask you to enter cohab information, if applicable, before moving to the next section Selecting “Married” moves to the next screen asking for detailed information. The county for POB is required if no city was entered If “Annulled, Divorced or Widowed” is selected the next screen will request detailed information. It will ask where the record is located for the divorce or annulment and if the former spouse is deceased. If the POB is outside of the US, it will ask for one type of documentation such as naturalization certificate or alien registration. The next screen asks for detailed information 8/31/2011
New Standard Form (SF) 86 Changes to Section 18 Relatives This section is one of the most changed This page requires the employee to check the box for each relative that applies to them. If they said they were married in the form it will not move forward until mother-in-law and father-in-law boxes are checked Mothers maiden name has moved to this section “Other Names Used” by all relatives, with dates used, is now required as well as the reason the name was used If POB is outside of the US, a type of documentation such as naturalization certificate or alien registration is required The date of first and last contact with the foreign relative and their association with foreign government is also required 8/31/2011
New Standard Form (SF) 86 Changes to Section 19 Foreign Contact Required information for each entry is, full name, date of first and last contact, frequency (daily, weekly, etc.), nature of relationship, other names used, citizenship, DOB and POB The next screen asks for their employer, including the name and address. If affiliated with a foreign government If POB is outside of the US, a type of documentation such as naturalization certificate or alien registration is required The date of first and last contact with the foreign relative and their association with foreign government is also required 8/31/2011
New Standard Form (SF) 86 Changes to Section 20a Foreign Activity This section asks questions on owning or co-owning foreign interests or real estate, requiring detailed information There are also questions regarding any benefits received within the past 7 years or any expected future benefits, such as educational, medical etc. Question regarding any financial support provided to any foreign national. If yes, the name, address, nature of the relationship, amount, frequency and country of citizenship is required These questions include the employee, their spouse, cohabitant or dependent children Some questions are “ever” questions. Those that are not require 7 years of data history 8/31/2011
New Standard Form (SF) 86 Changes to Section 20b Foreign Business This section asks if the employee has Ever sponsored any foreign national to come to the U.S. It also questions whether a political Office was held or if the employee ever voted in an election in a foreign country Answering “yes” requires detailed information 8/31/2011
New Standard Form (SF) 86 Changes to Section 20c Foreign Travel Along with entering your trips, each entry will have yes/no questions relating to if the employee was searched, or detained by the country outside of normal customs process It also asks if there was any encounter with the police, suspected foreign intelligence, terrorist etc. It asks if anyone has contacted you attempting to obtain classified Answering “yes” requires detailed information 8/31/2011
New Standard Form (SF) 86 Changes to Section 21 Mental Health Current questions are still present. The employee will now be asked if a court or administrative agency ever declared them mentally incompetent If the answer is “yes” they will be asked if this ruling was appealed to a higher court 8/31/2011
New Standard Form (SF) 86 Changes to Section 22 Police Record Question one now combines five questions In the past 7 years have you been issued a summons, citation or ticket to appear in court in a criminal proceeding against you? In the past 7 years have you been charged, convicted or sentenced of a crime in any court? New: In the past 7 years have you been or are you currently on probation or parole? “Are you currently on trial or awaiting a a trial on criminal charges?” is within a different question “Yes” will require detail 8/31/2011
New Standard Form (SF) 86 Changes to Section 22 Police Record Question one of the old form combines five questions “Yes” requires additional information 8/31/2011
New Standard Form (SF) 86 Changes to Section 23 Illegal Use of Drugs or Drug Activity Third question within question #1 asks, “Do you intend to use this drug or controlled substance in future?” If “yes” Must provide an explanations 8/31/2011
New Standard Form (SF) 86 Changes to Section 24 Use of Alcohol If “yes” is selected, the form goes directly to the first question. Questions are no longer displayed requiring the employee to “add an entry” Questions b and c are no longer combined There is no longer a box to check to annotate if you previously entered information in section 21 New – d. Have you EVER received counseling or treatment as a result of your use of alcohol in addition to what you have already listed on this form? “Yes” requires additional information 8/31/2011
New Standard Form (SF) 86 Changes to Section 25 Investigations and Clearance Record Instead of displaying all the questions and adding an entry, each questions is now required to be answered individually “Yes” requires additional information 8/31/2011
New Standard Form (SF) 86 Changes to Section 26 Financial Record When selecting “yes” to a question, the system automatically provides the required fields instead of an option to select “Add an Entry” When selecting “yes” to a question, it no Longer asks to provide the amount of property involved, it now asks a more specific question based on the subsection you are in such as “Provide the total amount in U.S. dollars involved in the bankruptcy Question Letter O “Have you EVER experienced financial problems due to gambling” is now question 2 Letters d, e, j and p are combined into one question but separated by bullets Questions regarding 90 or 180 day delinquencies are replaced with 120 days “Yes” requires additional information 8/31/2011
New Standard Form (SF) 86 Changes to Section 27 Use of Information Technology Systems Questions a – c are listed on separate pages. To get to the next question you must answer and SAVE When selecting “yes” to a question, the system automatically provides the required fields instead of an option to select “Add an Entry” 8/31/2011
New Standard Form (SF) 86 Changes to Section 28 Non-Criminal Court Actions The question is now requesting history for 10 years instead of 7 or 10 based on the investigation type When selecting “yes” to a question, the system automatically provides the required fields instead of an option to select “Add an Entry” 8/31/2011
New Standard Form (SF) 86 Changes to Section 29 Association Record No significant change 8/31/2011