Spatial Analyst Raster vs. Vector
Spatial Analyst Extension
Copy a Grid to your workspace
Add a GRID to your View
Displaying a GRID in your View
Create a Hillshade Map
Create a Slope Map
Create an Aspect Map
Working with Grids Copy grids to your workspace Add Grids to a View Create a Hillshade map Create a Slope Map Create an Aspect Map Query for gt 7000 ft. Query for gt 20 deg slope Query for East facing Aspect (lt 120 & gt45)
Working with Vector Data Copy from the Shapefile folder –Area_rds (roads) –Area_strm (streams) Analysis Tools –GeoProcessing Extension Use the GeoProcessor extension –Intersect Tool Create a Buffer on streams
Adding vector data to a View
Adding GeoProcessing Extension
Creating a Buffer
Intersect Tool
The Question: Find Streams that intersect roads that are on the East facing Aspect and on a slope of lt 10 deg over 6500 ft elevation How would you do it?