ARBVP10 FrameWork in GLLib
Contents New GLLib FrameWork classes ProgramObjects (and related). VSLoader GLState Vertex Attributes management through GPUDriver Streams configuration Input and Output vertex mapping
ARBVP10 FrameWork in GLLib !!ARBvp END ProgramObject compile() getClusterBank() Basic Object Class to encapsulate a vertex program: the ProgramObject. 0x09 0x00 0x00 0x x09 0x00 0x00 0x x16 0x10 0x00 0x Assembles source code to GPU binary code Returns the parameters Bank required for the vertex program. It has to be resolved by GLLib with the GL State and sent to GPU as the constant bank.
ARBVP10 FrameWork in GLLib Now, ProgramObject used in GLLib T&L fixed function too. Now, a VSLoader class manages T&L fixed function and vertex shaders at the same manner through program objects. VSLoader has the responsibility of configure the vertex shaders to GPU via GPUDriver.
VSLoader class class VSLoader { private: ProgramObject* tl; // t&l program GPUDriver* driver; // current driver void resolveBank(ProgramObject& po, RBank & b); public: VSLoader(); void setDriver(GPUDriver* driver); u32bit emulateFixedPipe(); u32bit initVP(ProgramObject& po); }; Configures the GPU with the default T&L fixed function vertex program: if ( !tl.getSource() ) tl.setSource( "!!ARBvp1.0\ OPTION ARB_position_invariant;\ PARAM c4 = state.light[0].spot.direction;\ PARAM c5 = state.light[0].half;\ PARAM c6 = state.material.shininess;\ PARAM c7 = state.light[0].ambient;\ PARAM c8 = state.light[0].diffuse;\ PARAM c9 = state.light[0].specular;\ ATTRIB i2 = vertex.normal;\ OUTPUT o1 = result.color;\ TEMP r0, r1;\ DP3 r0.x, i2, c4;\ DP3 r0.y, i2, c5;\ MOV r0.w, c6.x;\ LIT r0, r0;\ MAD r1, r0.y, c8, c7;\ MAD o1, r0.z, c9, r1;\ END"; ) initVP(tl); u32bit emulateFixedPipe();
VSLoader class class VSLoader { private: ProgramObject* tl; // t&l program GPUDriver* driver; // current driver void resolveBank(ProgramObject& po, RBank & b); public: VSLoader(); void setDriver(GPUDriver* driver); u32bit emulateFixedPipe(); u32bit initVP(ProgramObject& po); }; Compiles de vertex program in program object and writes it to GPU. po.compile(); constants = po.getClusterBank(); resolveBank(constants,po); po.getBinary(vprogram,psize); driver->writeMemory( mdVP, vprogram, psize ); u32bit initVP(ProgramObject& po); It uses a GLState class to resolve actual values of the OpenGL State required for the vertex program.
GLState class Stores an updated copy the OpenGL State accesible to the vertex programs. OpenGL calls updates GLState values and resolveBank( ) consults the required vertex program state.
Derived state Some states has sense to be derived from others, for example: MVP = ModelView * Projection; Inverse MVP = inverse(MVP). In GLState all derived states are calculated only when they are required by a vertex program.
GLState class implementation Each individual matrix state in GLState has a dirty flag. When a individual matrix state is modified dirty flag in derived matrices are set. When a “dirty” derived matrix is request their values are calculated and dirty flag is reset.
GLState class implementation Advantages: OpenGL state and derived matrices are put together in a class, preserving modularity and transparency about calculations. Only derived state required for vertex programs are calculated. Updates of matrix states doesn´t results in cascade update of derived matrices. For example: update of modelview matrix would result in update of inverse, transpose and transpose of inverse of modelview matrix (3) and update of the normal, inverse, transpose and transpose inverse of the mvp matrix (4). Total 7 matrices calculations for every modelview update !!!.
Vertex Attributes management through GPUDriver
Vertex Attributes management GPU vertex program is executed for each vertex. OpenGL library sends vertex information to GPU through GPUDriver. When to send the vertices to GPU is an agreement of OpenGL library specific implementation. Our implementation GLLib sends vertices in calls: glEnd() glDrawElements() glDrawArrays()
Vertex Attributes management Send vertices implies: 1. Reserve GPU local memory to allocate vertices information (attributes): coordinates, colors, normals Assign at least one GPU Streamer (GPU vertex shader feeder) for each attribute → Streamer configuration.
Vertex Attributes management 1. Vertex attributes allocation in GPU Step 1: Allocate 3 GPU mem regions for attributes: u32bit mdVertex = driver->obtainMemory( ctx->vCount*sizeof(GLfloat)*4 ); u32bit mdColor = driver->obtainMemory( ctx->vCount*sizeof(GLfloat)*4 ); u32bit mdNormal = 0; if ( IS_USENORMALS ) mdNormal = driver->obtainMemory( ctx->vCount*sizeof(GLfloat)*3 ); ctx->vCount has the number of vertices defined with gl Calls between glBegin() and glEnd().
Vertex Attributes management 1. Vertex attributes allocation in GPU Step 2:Copy attributes to GPU mem regions: driver->writeMemory( mdVertex, (u8bit*)ctx->vertexBuffer, ctx->vCount*sizeof(GLfloat)*4 ); driver->writeMemory( mdColor, (u8bit*)ctx->colorBuffer, ctx->vCount*sizeof(GLfloat)*4 ); if ( IS_USENORMALS ) driver->writeMemory( mdNormal, (u8bit*)ctx->normalBuffer, ctx->vCount*sizeof(GLfloat)*3 ); ctx->vertexBuffer, ctx->colorBuffer and ctx->normalBuffer has the vertices attributes defined with gl Calls between glBegin() and glEnd().
Vertex Attributes management 2. Streamer configuration configureVertexAttrib Associates a stream to feed a VS input attribute Configure the stream (enable or disable) stride, amount of components and type, # elements setAttributeIsWritten Set a given attribute to be written in VS output Note: It must not be an enabled input attribute (can be produced in the vertex program itself)
Last tests. “Rosquillas” test Fail: (panic) ShaderEmulator:shIllegal => Instruction not implemented. Must be revisited ;-) In september