Urban and Regional Planning Analysis, Dr. Pam Perlich Patty Murphy, April 4, 2006 Program Progress in a Political Environment
Demographics Demographics Expenditures Expenditures Economic Change and Revenue Economic Change and Revenue Utah Politics Utah Politics Table of Contents
Demographics Pictures courtesy of Jordan School District
2004 and 2005 Enrollment by Grade Start K in 2008
and Enrollment Change by Race/Ethnicity Start K in 2008
Enrollment Change by Race/Ethnicity Start K in 2008
Oct 1, 1990 and Oct 1, 2005 Hispanic as Percentage of Total Enrollment
Oct 1, 1977 – Oct 1, 2005 Hispanic and All-Other Enrollment Start K in 2008
Oct 1, 1993 – Oct 1, 2006 Actual-Projected State Enrollment Error Start K in
Oct 1, 1993 – Oct 1, 2006 Projected State Enrollment Percentage Error Start K in 2008
Oct 1, 1993 – Oct 1, 2006 Actual and Projected State Enrollment Start K in 2008 Sources: USOE, Finance and Statistics, and the Common Data Committee.
Actual Enrollment; Projected Enrollment ProjectedActual Sources: USOE, Finance and Statistics, the Common Data Committee, the Governor’s Office of Planning and Budget, and the Bureau of Economic and Business Research.
Expenditures: Labor Intensive Picture courtesy of Jordan School District
FY 2004 Expenditures per Pupil by State US $9,660 Utah $6,142 Sources: USOE, and the US Bureau of the Census.
FY FY 2005 Utah K-12 Expenditures per Pupil Inflation Adjusted Sources: USOE, and the National Center for Education Statistics, US Department of Education.
Growth = Enrollment Change + Inflation K-12 Education Funds
FY 1976-FY 2007 WPU Value and Enrollment Change Inflation Adjusted
FY 1996-FY 2007 Uniform School Funds per Pupil and Enrollment Annual Change Inflation Adjusted
State and Local Revenue: 11.5% Increase Enrollment: 2.9% Increase FY 07
“We are making progress: Things are getting worse at a slower rate.” Patrick Ogden, State Associate Superintendent
At-Risk Programs 5.4% Increase
Start K in 2008 Perfect Funding Equity $1 = 1 Student
Start K in 2008 Practically Perfect Funding Distribution Gini Coefficient:.044
Economic Change and Revenue
Does education drive economic development, or
Does economic development drive education?
Utah Personal Income in millions Bureau of Economic Analysis, Governor’s Office of Planning and Budget, and the Utah State Office of Education, Finance and Statistics. Projected
Utah Personal Income per Student Source: Economy.com, Governor’s Office of Planning and Budget, and USOE, Finance and Statistics. Projected
Total K-12 Education Expenditures as a Percent of Personal Income Inflation Adjusted Projected Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, and Utah State Office of Education, Finance and Statistics.
“Is what you are doing effective?”
One Party Taxpayers Association Charter Schools (“ Private Schools for Free!”) Utah Politics:
Parents for Choice Private School Subsidies $50,000 per legislative candidate Utah Politics:
Governor Huntsman Utah State Office of Ed School Districts Utah Education Assoc, PTSA Utah Politics:
Immigration Laws Immigration Practice Federal Deficit Oil and Utility Prices Globalization Other Impacts
“Don’t confuse action with activity….”
Patty Murphy Budget Administrator Questions?