Functional ecology of amphibians and reptiles
The field of functional ecology Functional ecology aims to understand how lower-level structures and processes allow an organism to function within its natural environment. genes organelles cells tissues organism population community ecosystem biosphere organs organ systems
genetics The field of functional ecology genes organelles cells tissues organism population community ecosystem biosphere functional ecology organs organ systems physiology morphology ethology ecology evolutionary biology
The field of functional ecology
Amphibians and reptiles Amphibians and reptiles are model organisms in functional ecology. # publications in Functional Ecology birds mammals reptilesamphibiansfish
Amphibians and reptiles Amphibians and reptiles are model organisms in functional ecology. SceloporusAnolisUta
Topics Functional ecology is too wide for 24hrs. Thermal ecology Ecological morphology locomotion Functional ecology and sexual selection
Teachers Raoul Van Damme Katleen Huyghe Laboratory for Functional Morphology Department of Biology University of Antwerp
Assessment Examination: oral with written preparation Topics covered in the class room Example papers (see website)
Course material Slides Example papers Suggested reading