UA Museum of the North Education Programming and Outreach Roger Topp: Education Science & Technology Projects Developer Cabled Seafloor Observatories Workshop
New Building, New Infrastructure Museum Venues The Arnold Espe Auditorium The Education Center Special Exhibits Gallery Gallery of Alaska
New Building, New Infrastructure Museum Venues Auditorium Education Center Special Exhibits Gallery Gallery of Alaska
Art Gallery New Building, New Infrastructure Museum Venues
Projects and Program Growth Networking Community Curation Educator Networks Media Collections
Projects and Program Growth Programming School Tours Redevelopment Increased throughput Expanded technology New units
Projects and Program Growth Programming Online Library-Museum Database 8 library and museum partners LearnAlaska curriculum tool
Projects and Program Growth Programming Gallery Media Multimedia Handhelds Multi-Panel Video The Place Where You Go to Listen Projection Animation
Projects and Program Growth Programming Auditorium Shows: Dynamic Aurora Winter Coastline A Focus on University Research
Future Programming and Outreach Broad Goals Create programming for IPY Build science-attentive audiences Achieve broader dissemination
Future Programming and Outreach C.S. Observatory Data Streamed and Cached Datasets Hands-on teaching instruments Visualization applications Investigator Interviews Site audio/video Curriculum linked lesson plans Resulting Assets Education Opportunities Integrated math, science, and cultural education Scientific data collection Arctic and Earth system science
UA Museum of the North Education Programming and Outreach Roger Topp: Education Science & Technology Projects Developer Cabled Seafloor Observatories Workshop