Contribution of stratospheric cooling to satellite-inferred tropospheric temperature trends NATURE | VOL 429 | 6 may 2004 pp Quiang Fu, Celeste M. Johanson, Stephen G. Warren & Dian J. Seidel
Outline The Microwave sounding unit (MSU) Measurement principle Tropospheric temperature trends derived from satellites Discrepancies between surface and satellite measurements Reason for popular and scientific discussions about climate change Reconciliation by this paper…
MSU nadir viewing instrument 4 microwave channels ( GHz) measures brightness temperature according to Planck‘s law:
Radiative transfer (no scattering) Simplified radiative transfer (Schwarzschild equation) Measured intensity Surface Contribution Contribution from the atmosphere Weighting function
Spectral range MSU measures at 50.3, 53.74, 54.96, and GHz Oxygen absorption in this region Each channel has a different optical depth with respect to oxygen
RT II Optically thick Optically thin Channel 2 -> troposphere
Results from MSU Troposphere Stratosphere (UAH = University at Huntsville, RSS = Remote Sounding Systems)
Results II
Discrepancies Surface measurements: 0.17K/decade MSU (UAH): 0.047K/decade MSU (RSS): 0.13K/decade GCM prediction for troposphere: 1.1*surface temperature change (0.187 K/decade) globally Boost for climate change critics…
The solution by Fu et al Correction for T 2 necessary: T =a 0 +a 2 T 2 +a 4 T 4 a‘s derived from fits to ballon borne measurements There is still an impact of the stratosphere to T 2 (15%) and the stratosphere is cooling!!
Dependencies of T 2 and T 4 T2T2 T4T4 Tropospheric trend Stratospheric trend 0.18K
Trend ratios (troposphere/surface) GCMMSU Globe Tropics
Conclusion Wrong troposheric temperature trend due to the disregard of stratospheric cooling Simple correction scheme was implemented New results reconcile surface measurements, MSU measurements and GCM models ASMU provides now more channels (better height resolution) Always look on the averaging kernel (esp. for NADIR DOAS measurements) !!