Nanotechnology A Brief Overview -Identifying Opportunities and Strategies-
2 “We are placing bets on things we can do uniquely well. First, new ways to power the world. Second, molecular medicine. And third, nanotechnology.” - Jeff Immelt, CEO, General Electric
3 What is Nanotech? NanoTechnology – Art and science of manipulating atoms and molecules to create new systems, materials, and devices. Nanomeasurement – Size Nanomanipulation – Building from the bottom up.
4 Size Matters How Big is a Nano? – Nano = 1 billionth;100,000 x’s smaller than the diameter of a human hair. Examples of Nanoscale – A cubic micron of water contains about 90 billion atoms. A micron is one thousandth of a millimeter, and a thousand times larger than a nanometer. – Another way to visualize a nanometer: 1 inch = 25,400,000 nanometers
5 Applied Nanotechnology – Examples of Current Research and Applications Materials Science Powders, Coatings, Carbon Nano-Materials, C-NanoFabrics EnergySolar Power and PhotoVoltaics, Hydrogen Fuel Cells, LED White Light Medicine/BiotechGenomics, Proteomics, Lab on a Chip, C-Nanotubes,BuckyBalls ElectronicsMRAM, NRAM, Q-Dots, Q-Bits DevicesLithography, Dip Pen Lithography, AFM, MEMS
6 Disruptive Apps - Materials Fiber that is stronger than spider web Metal 100 x’s stronger than steel, 1/6 weight Catalysts that respond more quickly and to more agents Plastics that conduct electricity Coatings that are nearly frictionless –(Shipping Industry) Materials that change color and transparency on demand. Materials that are self repairing, self cleaning, and never need repainting. Nanoscale powders that are five times as light as plastic but provide the same radiation protection as metal.
7 Disruptive Apps - Energy Fuel cell technology becomes cost effective within 3 years. Batteries that store more energy and are much more efficient Plastics and paints that will store solar power and convert to energy for $1 per watt.
8 Disruptive Apps - Computing Silicon is hitting its size limit, Moore’s law reaches maximum in 2007 SuperChips –Combination of Silicon and Galium Arsenide create wireless chips Plastic semiconductors manufactured by regular printing devices – cheaply produced. Electronic Paper
9 Disruptive Apps – Bio Medicine Cosmetics that can penetrate the skin Cures for Aids, Cancers, Alzheimer's, Diabetes Ability to view cells In vivo - Fast Drug Creation Nanomaterials that can see inside vessels for plaque buildup Technology that can re-grow bone and organs NanoSensors for disease detection – 10x’s faster and 100,000 x’s more accurate Nanofilters will help create impurity free drugs.
10 Key Terms You Need to Know BuckyBalls Carbon Nanotubes MEMS Quantum Dots Molecular Self Repair/Assembly MRAM/Spintronics Lithography
11 Carbon Nanotubes 4 nm width (smaller diameter than DNA) 100x’s stronger than steel 1/6 weight Thermal/electrically conductive Metallic and Semi- Conductive
12 BuckyBalls – C 60 Roundest and most symmetrical molecule known to man Compressed – becomes stronger than diamond Third major form of pure carbon Heat resistance and electrical conductivity
13 MEMS and Quantum Dots Micro Sized MotorQuantum Dot
14 Obstacles and Hurdles Mass Production/Throughput and Cost Constraints Funding Requires Long-Term Investments Intellectual Property Issues - Patent Office that is Overwhelmed and Under-Qualified
Source: IEEE Spectrum August The International Race for Nanotech Supremacy 1998 Bill Clinton Signed the NNI June Congress approves $2.3b in additional funding Europe and Asia are Moving Fast – Maybe Faster S.Korea just announced a $2b gov. initiative Why? Because Winner controls manufacturing for next century
Source: The Fredonia Group 16 U.S Market Nanomaterials Projections
17 Technology Momentum Reminders "There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home." (Ken Olsen, Digital Equipment Corp, 1977) "Computers in the future may weigh no more than 1.5 tons." (Popular Mechanics, 1949) "I think there is a world market for maybe five computers." (IBM's Thomas Watson, 1943)
18 Resources Must Read Books – As the Future Catches You – Juan Enriquez – Investors Guide to Nanotechnology and Micromachines – Glenn Fishbine – Next Big Thing Is Really Small: How Nanotechnology Will Change the Future of Your Business – Jack Uldrich, Deb Newberry – Hacking Matter – Will McCarthey Periodicals – Forbes/Wolfe Nanotech Report – MIT Technology Review – Science – Nature Web –