1 Introduction to HRM Anne S. Tsui September 2, 2002.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to HRM Anne S. Tsui September 2, 2002

2 HRM and OB OB is about understanding behavior of individuals and groups in organizations. The psychological, sociological and economic reasons for actions and decisions by individuals, groups, or even the firm. HRM is about policies, systems, activities that a firm uses to attract, motivate, and retain valued employees to help the firm to be effective, efficient, and successful in adding value to its various stake holders.

3 Major Functions within the Firm President’s Office EngineeringProductionMarketing Business Development Administration and HRM Finance

4 HRM Activities HR planning Job analysis Hiring Training Paying Evaluating Rewarding Developing Protecting Attract Motivate Retain

5 Objective: understand how firms manage its human resources Content: an overview of key HR activities Your role: active learning and applications My role: facilitate and assess your learning Method: lecture, discussion, exercise, project Teamwork: career enhancing skills Assessment: individual 60%+, bonuses Community: mutual feedback and learning Syllabus and website: structure for learning The Course

6 The Course – A contract 1. What are expected of us as learners? 2. What are expected of Prof. Tsui as instructor? 3. What do we agree to do to ensure good learning by all?