Presentation overview Introduction to automated privacy and Identity management. Ontologies: What they are, how they can help Conceptual Mediation: Lawyers, Users, Businesses Ontologies and reasoning: Anonymizing access control Reasoning in Access Control Demo
A typical human readable privacy policy ( )
Automating privacy protection: Scenario 1:Client Side Architecture
Example XML Statement in P3P Policy
Example P3P Rule
Automating Privacy Protection: Scenario 2: Enterprise Architecture Privacy Based Access Policies Security Policies Privacy Layer Security Layer Data Flow Ontology GUI Rules & Rule Engine
Scenario 3:Automated Identity Management Single Sign On Access Control Personalization Management Directory Services Workflow Automation Policies & Profiles Delegated Administration APPLICATIONSFRAMEWORK USERS
Automated Identity Management Based on Credentials Single Sign On Access Control Personalization Management Directory Services Workflow Automation Policies & Profiles Delegated Administration APPLICATIONSFRAMEWORK Tokens/Credentials User
XML based policies describe Business practices (Enterprise Policies) User preferences Obligations Access conditions Audit logs
Automated Privacy – Stakeholders End Users E.g. My mother Law enforcement E.g. Police, Data Protection Authorities, Article 29 Working group Business Privacy Concerns Cost eCommerce $15 Billion a yr – Forrester Research Application developers E.g. Browser developers, EPAL implementations
4 Key Problems 1. Each group of stakeholders speaks a completely different language –E.g. Many users have never heard of identity management, they just want to sign onto multiple web sites. 2. Enterprises need to be user friendly, but at the same time control liability. 3. Existing languages are not expressive or extensible enough to model all aspects of data protection. 4. The law says you should only collect the minimum data required to carry out the service. BUT - How to work out the minimum data required? Applications are not yet intelligent enough to know what to ask for.
Ontologies Ornithology: the study of birds Oncology: the study of cancer Onychology: study of fingernails and toenails. Ontology: a formal, machine readable specification of terms and their relationships in a specific domain..
How Ontologies can Help Automated Privacy and IDM Machine readable description of concepts and relationships between –Data Protection Law –User-metaphors –Enterprise business rules –Application logic Can translate between legal-ese, user-ese, business-ese and java/c++:
Ontology Rule Systems Program Logic Developers End-Users Legal Alignment of Legal, User and Technical Models Enterprise
How Ontologies can Help Automated Privacy and IDM Richly Expressive, Precise and Interoperable policy languages Reasoning capabilities more powerful policy evaluation: –e.g. To figure out what is the minimum data required, to accept flexible credentials. Standard language used in user interfaces so businesses can trust policy translations
How Ontologies can Help Automated Privacy and IDM Extensible to include other ontologies (e.g. geographical ontology for location based services) Language independence (privacy riservatezza) Separate Business Logic, Conceptual Models and Program Logic more efficient development
Technical Details of Ontologies
Description Logics Are languages for describing concepts, and their properties and relations. E.g. -OWL (W3C Standard) -RDFS (W3C Standard) -DAML+OIL ( Knowledge Base (e.g. Privacy Policy)
Semantics Semantics specify the connection between terms (names) and concepts (meaning) (see e.g. Fodor, Chomsky, RDF Semantics: )
What is an ontology? Description Logics describe: -Concepts Classes and Subclasses -E.g. Data, health data, data controller -Properties Describe features and attributes -E.g. is Collected by -Restrictions on Properties and Concepts -E.g. If a person is Italian and has a driving license, they are over 18, -health Data is a subclass of Data
RDF OWL uses RDF – a graph description language which is very well suited to describing concepts Based on a very simple graph modelling language (The core RDF specification only 2-3 pages long!) "Triple" - a statement [Subject - Predicate – Object] [Religious data – is of type – Sensitive Data] RDF (in contrast to XML) can describe arbitrarily complex statements and relationships. Sensitive Data Is in category
OWL uses RDF to describe relationships between concepts Sensitive Data AddressReligion Data Controller Subclass of 1 Number of Must specify Related/Unrelated Subject Data Collects About Contact Data Subclass of
Policies are expressed in RDF (but XML may also be used for backward compatibility) Via Enrico Fermi Contact details of Data Controller * Data Object Is in category Data Subject Performed By Transfers Third Party Marketing Purpose of Is in category Street Name
How ontologies standardize application semantics Via Enrico Fermi Contact details of Data Controller Data Object Is in category Data Transfer Event Performed By Transfers Third Party Marketing Purpose of Is in category Street Name DP Ontology Based on P3P Data Typing Ontology Based on P3P
Ontology Development Tools
Ontology Development Tools: Java Libraries Jena, developed by HP labs, provides a complete suite of Java tools for processing RDF, OWL, and reasoning using OWL and prolog style rules. Downloadable from
Ontology Capture Processes The most important factor in the success of an ontology Methodologies: Each concept is defined by a traceable and repeatable process. Text analysis: Automated or semi-automated analysis of key documents (e.g. legislation) Interviews and group exercises (e.g. Legal modelling) Conflict resolution methodologies – describe and resolve situations where groups disagree. Alignment of different ontologies covering similar domains.
Formal and Informal Ontologies XML languages such as P3P and XACML are Informal Ontologies -Semantics of terms is informally defined E.g. P3P: = current purpose with human readable definition -XML:not a rigorous or complete framework for semantics but has a high adoption level Informal ontologies represent a huge body of work towards conceptual consensus.
Example Scenarios for Privacy and IDM Conceptual mediation between users, lawyers and businesses Access control: credential reasoning Demo
Users Need to –Specify Preferences –Receive Warnings –Understand policies Using Simple metaphors – e.g. town/house metaphor
Lawyers Need to –Ensure that business policies are compliant with legislation –Ensure that users have preferences that are compliant with the law. –Provide tools for businesses for checking legal compliance. Using Precise, unambiguous language
Enterprises Need to –Create privacy policies –Enforce privacy policies –Communicate good practice to users –Collect and store consent –Protect against liabilities Using Precise, unambiguous business-process concepts
Application developers Need to –Implement enterprise policies consistently –Implement user preferences –Translate user metaphors into real practise –Easily updateable applications Using Pragmatic:Java/C++/UML/ Prolog String rules = "[(?d rdf:type eg:studentdoctor) (?n rdf:type eg:nurse) ->(?d eg:superiorTo ?n) (?n eg:subordinateTo ?d)]"; rules +="[(?d rdf:type eg:surgeon) (?n rdf:type eg:studentdoctor) ->(?d eg:superiorTo ?n) (?n eg:subordinateTo ?d)]"; rules +="[(?d eg:canShowCredential eg:drivinglicense) -> (?d eg:hasAge ?n) (?n eg:greaterThan 18)]";
Example 1 Policy states: Company X DISCLOSES data about ADDRESS To UNRELATED THIRD PARTIES Without CONSENT Ontology + Rules can then translate this into descriptions and actions which are appropriate to the context:
Example 1 :Conceptual Alignment Data which might lead to spam ADDRESSSensitive Data USERSAPPLICATIONREGULATORS
Example 1:Conceptual Alignment I ticked a box ConsentConsent to data processing USERSAPPLICATIONSREGULATORS
Example 1:Conceptual Alignment Remember my details CookiesClickstream data USERSAPPLICATIONSREGULATORS
Example 1:Conceptual Alignment Private Information religion Sensitive Data USERSAPPLICATIONSREGULATORS Medical dataCriminal record
Example 1: the same concepts in the policy are translated by the rules: Users: Display a warning in language users can understand, “Warning – submitting this form could cause Spam” Lawyers: Alert service about illegal practices Application: Don’t submit any data to this company – or create a pseudonymous address. Warn policy creator of illegal practices (E.g. JRC Policy Editor) Business: Change data handling practices (E.g. display legal language to users e.g. for collecting consent)
Architectural note: All this can be done with programme logic. BUT: if you encode this knowledge in an ontology (e.g. -address leads to spam), you can reuse it share it standardize it. Put it under the control of the stakeholders.
Ontologies Reasoning for Access Control Access control applications need to be able to minimize the information required to authenticate an access request. E.g. instead of asking for my age to access a service (e.g. gambling service), it could check whether I can prove I have a driving license.
Example 2: Anonymizing access control I want to access a service, but I do not want to reveal my age. The service however, needs to know that I am over 18 to satisfy legal requirements. The service already knows that I have a driving license
Example 2: anonymizing access control Suppose the service has access to an ontology which contains (e.g.) the following concepts and relationships : Concepts: –DRIVERS LICENSE –CREDENTIAL –PERSON Properties: –HOLDS CRENDENTIAL (can exist between Persons and Credentials – e.g. Giles Hogben Holds a British Passport) –HAS AGE (can exist between Persons and integers – e.g. Giles Hogben HAS AGE XXXX(X is an integer) ) Restrictions: –If a Person HOLDS CREDENTIAL a DRIVERS LICENSE that person HAS AGE age > 18
Example 2 Using the above Ontology, the access control application can allow me access, without asking me what my age is, because it can deduce what it needs to know from the fact that I have a driving license.
Example 3: anonymizing access control I am a doctor and I want to access the medical records of a certain patient. In order to have access, I must be a health professional with grade superior to a nurse. I can present a credential which certifies that I am a surgeon
Example 3: anonymizing access control Suppose the service has access to an ontology which contains (e.g.) the following concepts and relationships : Concepts: –StudentDoctor (is a doctor) –Surgeon (is a doctor) –Nurse (is a Health Professional) –Doctor (is a Health Professional) –Health Professional Properties: –SuperiorTo (can exist between Persons) Restrictions: –SuperiorTo is Transitive (i.e. if x SuperiorTo y and y SuperiorTo z then x SuperiorTo z) –Student Doctors are Superior to Nurses –Surgeons are Superior to Student Doctors
Example 3 Using the above ontology and only the fact that I can prove I am a surgeon, the application can allow me access to the patient’s records See Java App
What do these examples show? Ontologies can translate between different views of the world – i.e. users, lawyers, enterprises and developers. Flexible use of credentials and easy reasoning E.g. Ability to allow credential with greater anonymity. Further developed ontology could make judgements about level of anonymity of a credential to select the most anonymous one.
Questions ? (giles.hogben att
Ontology based architecture Policy contains data specific to the individual or enterprise (may also contain rules) Ontology defines general concepts and relationships Application Logic contains generic rules All 3 may contain rules Ontologies are Rules which are valid for the whole domain (e.g. one controller per data collection act) and rules which are specific to the enterprise PolicyOntologyApplication Logic
Ontologies and XML XML Provides informal ontological semantics (e.g. tag nesting==sub- classing etc…) Existing software can parse and search XML Easy for the techie to be read Many informal ontologies exist in XML (e.g. P3P) Not all ontological concepts can be expressed (e.g. Sameindividualas, disjointwith, complementOf etc…) No formal semantics Not suited to reasoning OWL/RDF (became W3C Official Spec on Feb 10 th ) Much Richer Syntax (e.g. disjoint, complete, sameas etc…) Formal Semantics – more suited to reasoning Almost impossible to read by eye even for techies. No parsers incorporated in current software