Ancient Egypt Jeopardy By: Megan Gapczynski
Ancient Places Ancient People Mummies Hieroglyphics Miscellaneous 100 200 300 400 500
The Egyptian people lived on either side of what major waterway? Ancient Places 100 The Egyptian people lived on either side of what major waterway? Answer
What is the largest pyramid? Ancient Places 200 What is the largest pyramid? Answer
Ancient Places 300 Were the sun sets every evening on the west bank of the Nile was called? Answer
Ancient Places 400 The most famous pharaohs were buried west of Thebes in a valley called? Answer
This Desert Covers 90% of Egypt Ancient Places 500 This Desert Covers 90% of Egypt Answer
What is the name of the people that preserved dead bodies Ancient People 100 What is the name of the people that preserved dead bodies Answer
The largest pyramid (Great Pyramid of Giza) was built for? Ancient People 200 The largest pyramid (Great Pyramid of Giza) was built for? Answer
Who was the last in a line of Greek rulers of Egypt? Ancient People 300 Who was the last in a line of Greek rulers of Egypt? Answer
Whose tomb is the only one that was undiscovered by robbers? Ancient People 400 Whose tomb is the only one that was undiscovered by robbers? Answer
Who eventually conquered Egypt? Ancient People 500 Who eventually conquered Egypt? Answer
Mummies were wrapped in large sheets of what material? Answer
Mummies 200 When a dead person’s spirit would return to its tomb to recognize its body what was placed on the mummy? Answer
Mummies were prepared identically to which Ancient God mummification? Answer
What is the name of the jar that holds a mummy’s internal organs? Mummies 400 What is the name of the jar that holds a mummy’s internal organs? Answer
Mummies 500 Which pharaoh would be considered the richest by how much was in his tomb? Answer
This person is the one who records for the pharaoh. Hieroglyphics 100 This person is the one who records for the pharaoh. Answer
Hieroglyphics was recorded on what type of paper? Answer
Hieroglyphics 300 Scribes also used a different form of writing that was a faster version of hieroglyphs called what? Answer
Hieroglyphics consist of approximately how many different signs? Answer
In 1799, this important discovery helped translate hieroglyphs. Hieroglyphics 500 In 1799, this important discovery helped translate hieroglyphs. Answer
The New Year would revolve around? Miscellaneous 100 The New Year would revolve around? Answer
The God of the Sun is known as? Miscellaneous 200 The God of the Sun is known as? Answer
How were workers of ancient Egypt paid? Miscellaneous 300 How were workers of ancient Egypt paid? Answer
In what year did Egypt become part of the Roman Empire? Miscellaneous 400 In what year did Egypt become part of the Roman Empire? Answer
Time was measured by filling a container called? Miscellaneous 500 Time was measured by filling a container called? Answer
Ancient Places 100 The Nile River Game Board
The Great Pyramid at Giza built for King Khufu Ancient Places 200 The Great Pyramid at Giza built for King Khufu Game Board
Ancient Places 300 The Land of the Dead Game Board
Ancient Places 400 Valley of the Kings Game Board
Ancient Places 500 Red Land Game Board
Ancient People 100 Embalmers Game Board
Ancient People 200 King Khufu Game Board
Ancient People 300 Queen Cleopatra V Game Board
King Tutankhamun (King Tut) Ancient People 400 King Tutankhamun (King Tut) Game Board
Ancient People 500 The Turks Game Board
Mummies 100 Linen Game Board
A Mask that looked like the individual Mummies 200 A Mask that looked like the individual Game Board
Osiris God of the Afterlife Mummies 300 Osiris God of the Afterlife Game Board
Mummies 400 Canopic Jars Game Board
Mummies 500 Pharaoh Tutankhamun Game Board
Hieroglyphics 100 Scribes Game Board
Hieroglyphics 200 Papyrus Game Board
Hieratic this ran from right to left. Hieroglyphics 300 Hieratic this ran from right to left. Game Board
Hieroglyphics 400 Roughly, 700 Game Board
Hieroglyphics 500 The Rosetta Stone Game Board
The time in which the Nile flooded every year. Miscellaneous 100 The time in which the Nile flooded every year. Game Board
Miscellaneous 200 Ra, God of the Sun Game Board
They were paid by wheat or barley. Miscellaneous 300 They were paid by wheat or barley. Game Board
Miscellaneous 400 30 B.C.E. Game Board
Miscellaneous 500 A Water Clock Game Board
Bibliography Minnis, Ivan. (2005). You Are in Ancient Egypt. Chicago, Illinois: Raintree. Crosher, Judith. (1992). Ancient Egypt. New York, NY: Viking. Hart, George. (1990). Ancient Egypt. New York, NY: DK. Putnam, James. (1993). Mummy. New York, NY: DK. Game Board