Meto 611 Dynamics of the atmosphere and oceans II Organizational details Course outline/calendar Course goals –Relationship to synoptic meteorology
Details 1 Instructor: –Jim Carton, ,room 2417, with help from Senya Grodsky, , Schedule: –Class time: MWF 11-11:50 CSS 2416 –Help session: Wednesday 1:30-2:30pm, room 2417 (if we need more space I will shift rooms). –Problem sets due: Friday after they are assigned, except that they are due on Wednesday of a week with an examination
Details 2 Required text: –Gill, A.E., 1982: Atmosphere - Ocean Dynamics, Academic Press, New York, ISBN ($56 for the paperback version on I will follow the text fairly closely. Recommended reading: –Holton, J.R., 1992: An introduction to dynamic meteorology, 3rd edition, Academic Press, New York, ISBN X. –Rosen-Cushman, B., 1994: Introduction to Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, Prentice Hall, ISBN –Howard B. Bluestein: Synoptic-Dynamic Meteorology in Midlatitudes : Observations and Theory of Weather Systems (text for meto600)Howard B. Bluestei Grading: –11 problem sets 20% –2 midterms 40% –1 final exam 40%
Calendar – see handout Gravity waves: –external and internal –Role in instability –Role in response to forcing (adjustment) Tropical waves –Role in air/sea interaction Rossby Waves –Role in response to forcing (adjustment) –Role in instability
Goals In Meto610 you examined some of the dominant dynamical balances that occur in the atmosphere and ocean In Meto611 you will examine how these balances change with time and how the systems respond to external forcing
Resonance without rotation
Same problem on a rotating earth
Instability of a buoyant jet
Relationship to synoptic meteorology This course will briefly cover the whole topic of time-dependence (on scales of a few minutes to a few decades). You can think of synoptic meteorology as an economically important special application of some aspects of dynamics and one that you should become familiar with.