Changing the blog layout and appearance Skills: modifying the appearance and layout of a blog IT concepts: gadgets, separation of content from presentation This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial- Share Alike 3.0 License.
Changing the blog layout and appearance Internet concepts –Applications (blogs) –Technology (TCP/IP) –Implications for Individuals Organizations Society Internet skills –Application development (change the appearance of a blog) –Content creation Text Images Audio Video
Make these changes in five minutes We will delete much of the material in the right hand column. We will change the layout and color scheme.
Clean up the right hand column Delete the “about me” and “follower” gadgets
Your Blogger dashboard At
The layout modification screen You can modify (edit), reorder, add or delete the “gadgets” in the right hand column.
Remove the “About Me” gadget 12
Remove the “Followers” gadget 12
About me and Followers are gone
Change the overall layout and color scheme Change the blog template
Select the Stretch Denim template 1 2
New layout and color scheme Note that the content is unchanged -- it is independent of the appearance.
Immediate editing You can click on these icons and edit your blog without going back to the dashboard. These icons are only visible to the person who created the blog.
The layout modification screen You can also add gadgets.
Four of the Blogger library gadgets Google adds to the gadget library over time. Programmers can create their own gadgets.
Each gadget has a property sheet The user can change gadget appearance and behavior.