Da’ Fuser Team Turbojet Diffuser Study Progress Report 2 Robby Swoish Mike Vostrizansky Ryan Wiltshire November 3, 2005
Objectives Reduce length by increasing diffusion angle without inducing separation Reduce length by increasing diffusion angle without inducing separation Maximize pressure gain, thereby increasing burn efficiency. Maximize pressure gain, thereby increasing burn efficiency. Maintain uniform flow into combustor allowing for uniform mixing distribution Maintain uniform flow into combustor allowing for uniform mixing distribution
Outline Must create nozzles to provide for flows of Mach 0.3, 0.35, and 0.4 Must create nozzles to provide for flows of Mach 0.3, 0.35, and 0.4 Test original model for separation and efficiency to use as a benchmark Test original model for separation and efficiency to use as a benchmark Modify model Modify model Test modified model for separation and efficiency Test modified model for separation and efficiency
Matching Conditions/ Theoretical Area Ratio’s for quasi 1D flow Computed necessary choke hole area with Computed necessary choke hole area with area-Mach relation: Desired Mach Number Theoretical Throat Area (mm 2 ) Theoretical Throat Radius (mm) Actual Throat Radius (mm)
Comprehensive Mach #’s
Choke Hole Boards MACH.3MACH.35MACH.4
Experimental Setup
TESTS 2, 3, and 4. Goal: Characterize incoming flow Mach number match Radius to incoming Mach of 0.30, 0.35, and Goal: Characterize incoming flow Mach number match Radius to incoming Mach of 0.30, 0.35, and Desired Mach Number Diameter (mm) Calculated Mach Number
TESTS 1, 2, 3, and 4 Repaired Sources of Error: Repaired Sources of Error: –Pressure Leaks –Pitot Probe Errors Misalignment Misalignment Plugged Probe Plugged Probe –Inlet Disturbances Follow Up Tests: Follow Up Tests: –Obtain Benchmarks to begin modifications and testing
Investigation Schedule Progress (weeks)
Potential Modifications Boundary Layer Control By: Boundary Layer Control By: –Suction –Blowing –Vanes –Flow Control Rails –High Inlet Turbulence –Other Vortex Generators