‘ The crisis that we face’ Mental Health and Social Enterprise Solutions - London, 23 March 2007 Dr Marcus Roberts Head of Policy and Parliamentary Unit Mind
Everyone’s issue - ‘1 in 4’ around 300 people out of 1,000 will experience mental health problems every year in Britain 230 will visit a GP and 102 will be diagnosed with a mental health problem 24 will be referred to a psychiatric service and 6 will become hospital inpatients. Mind Statistics 1: How common is mental distress
Everyone’s issue - ‘1 in 4’ ‘Crippling Depression and chronic anxiety are the biggest causes of misery in Britain today … which shame keeps out of sight … According to the respected Psychiatric Morbidity Survey, one in six of us would be diagnosed as having depression or chronic anxiety disorder, which means one family in three is affected’. LSE Depression Report - June 2006
Everyone’s issue - ‘1 in 4’ Depression affects about 121 million people world wide By 2020 it is projected to reach second place in the ranking of world health problems It is already in second place for the year age group. World Health Organisation
It’s very expensive - the cost England - £77 billion annual cost - £12.5 billion in care and health costs - £23.1 billion in lost output to economy - £41.8 billion in human costs Scotland: £8.6 billion (9% GDP) - human cost £4.7 billion Figures from Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health
It’s very expensive - economic cost - Mental ill health costs the EU 3% to 4% of GDP, mainly lost productivity (EU Green Paper). - Depression report - 40 per cent of IB claimants on IB because of mental health problems, and this is a secondary factor for a further 10 per cent
‘Conditionality’ not the solution OECD says that UK has one of the most stringent disability benefit gateways in the world IB fraud rate is less than 0.5 per cent
Access to employment is a key issue SEU (2004) - fewer than four out of ten employers would recruit someone with a mental health problem. CIPD - more than 60 per cent of 755 employers disregarded applications from people with a history of mental health problems.
Workplace mental health is an issue - HSE found that 20 per cent of respondents suffered from workplace stress at levels described as ‘very’ or ‘extremely’ stressful. - Mental health problems account for the loss of over 91 million days each year per cent of employers who responded to a Shaw Trust survey thought no staff would be suffering from mental ill-health.
Other issues - Treatment - quality, availability, choice - Rights and discrimination - Social inclusion and marginalisation - Environmental matters - Way we live now
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