CSCI 4550/8556 Computer Networks Comer, Chapter 3: Network Programming and Applications
Introduction Use of a network requires programs (and systems) that are “network-aware.” Some applications are usually provided with machines (e.g. web clients, clients, file sharing). New custom applications must use the interface (API) to the network facilities provided by the system. We will look at a simple API and three sample applications (both the client and the server).
Network Communication Networks are the mechanisms that transmit data from one point to another. Logically, networks are (or should be) passive, and do not understand, act on, or modify the data being moved. There are two ends of a network communication, each associated with an application program that understands the generation and interpretation of the data being moved across the network.
Client-Server Computing The two applications that communicate using a network must locate each other. Typically, one application (the server) starts and then waits for the other application (the client) to contact it. This arrangement is usually called the client-server paradigm, or just client-server computing. The client must, of course, be able to locate the server for this arrangement to work.
Addressing Internet Applications Each network server application has a two-part address of the form (computer,application). The computer part of the address identifies the particular computer on which the application is running. This can be provided in symbolic (e.g. or numeric (e.g ) form. The application part of the address identifies the particular application. It, too, can be provided symbolically or numerically. When transmitted on a network, the (computer,application) address is always sent in binary.
Communication Paradigm Most Internet applications follow this basic sequence of operations for communication: The server starts first, and waits for contact from a client. The client contacts the server by specifying its location and requesting communication. The client and the server exchange messages. After they finish, the client and server each send an end- of-file to terminate communication. Functions are provided in the class library on apollo to perform each of these tasks.
An Example Application Program Interface The term “application program interface,” or API, is used to describe the set of operations available (in a particular programming domain) to a programmer. The simplified API presented in the textbook hides much of the complexity in network programming, but also doesn’t provide the richness of the usual networking API. We will see more details in later chapters.
Example API Overview OperationMeaning await_contactused by server to wait for a contact make_contactused by client to contact a server cname_to_comptranslate a computer name to an equivalent internal binary value appname_to_appnumtranslate a program name to an equivalent internal binary value sendused by client or server to send data recvused by client or server to receive data send_eofused by client or server after all data has been sent.
An Intuitive Look at the API The application actions usually follow this pattern: The server calls await_contact to wait for contact from a client. The client calls make_contact to establish the connection. [The server is said to be blocked until the contact is made.] Once contact is made, the applications use send and recv to exchange data. [The protocol dictates when each application sends or receives.] Once the data exchange is complete, the client or the server terminates the connection by calling send_eof. The other application detects the termination of the communication when recv returns 0.
A Trivial Example
API Definition – Data Types There are three data types (in addition to the usual integer, character, and real data types) used in the API: appnum : a binary value used to identify an application [this is really a port number]. computer : a binary value used to identify a computer [this is really an Internet Protocol address, or IP address.] connection : a value used to identify one endpoint of a connection between a client and a server [normally this identifies a socket data structure].
API Definition – await_contact A server calls await_contact to wait for a contact from a client. The function expects one argument of type appnum, and returns a connection which is then used in send, recv, and send_eof functions. connection await_contact (appnum a)
API Definition – make_contact A client calls make_contact to establish contact with a server. The arguments identify the computer on which the server is running, and the application number to be contacted. The function returns a connection used for send, recv, and send_eof by the client. connection make_contact (computer c, appnum a)
API Definition – appname_to_appnum This function is used to translate from a predefined human-readable name [character string] to a binary application number. Standard application names are defined in the /etc/services file on a UNIX system. It takes a string argument and returns the binary application number. appnum appname_to_appnum (char *name)
API Definition – cname_to_comp This function translates a symbolic computer name ( cname ) to the equivalent binary form (which is returned) of type computer. computer cname_to_comp (char *cname)
API Definition – send Send arranges to transmit data (a sequence of n bytes in a char array buf ) over an established connection c, returning the number of bytes actually transmitted. The last argument is always 0 in this simplified API. int send (connection c, char *buf, int n, 0)
API Definition – recv Recv receives at most n bytes of data from a connection c, placing it in a char array buf, and returning the number of bytes received and stored. Recv will return 0 only when the end of file is reached, and a negative value when an error occurred (e.g. recv without a valid connection). int recv (connection c, char *buf, int n)
API Definition – recvln Recvln reads one line of data (terminated by an end of line character) from a connection c into a char array buf ; no more than n -1 bytes will be read (allowing one byte for string termination). Recvln uses recv to read one byte at a time. int recvln (connection c, char *buf, int n)
API Definition – send_eof Send_eof terminates the connection c, returning a negative number if an error occurred. int send_eof (connection c)
The ECHO Application The ECHO application server merely resends each line it receives from a client. The server is started (from a command line) by typing the program name and a selected application number (usually in the range 1025 to 32767). The client application is started by typing its name, the name of the computer on which the server is running, and the same application number. Lines are then read by the client, echoed by the server, and displayed by the client, until an end of file (control-D on UNIX, or control-Z on Windows) is entered. Illustration…
An Important Observation If you examine the code for the echo client, you will find that it does not immediately read another line from the keyboard after reading data from the connection. This is because recv only returns as much data as it has actually read. The reason for this is that the underlying network may send a group of data bytes in several different packets. Thus the received data may arrive in pieces with sizes different from those used when the data was sent.
The CHAT Application The chat application is similar to the echo application. Here, however, the server displays the received data line and waits for a response from the user on that machine, which is then sent back to the client for display. Either the user at the server machine or the user at the client machine may terminate the chat session by entering an end of file. Illustration…
The WEB Application Our final example is a simple text-mode web server and browser. Only two web pages are provided by the server: “/” and “/time”. It is easy, however, to extend this application to deliver arbitrary pages stored as files on the server machine. The server and client both use the standard HTTP protocol, and the server delivers HTML documents with appropriate headers. Thus a commercial web browser could be used to contact our server. Illustration…