Easy 1.How did Jesus summarize the OT and what impact does it have on missions? 2.In one sentence describe what it would mean to complete the Great Commission. 3.How is the Peace Child a redemptive analogy? 4.Explain what it means to live in a war-time economy.
Medium 1.Using five OT passages make the case for missions. 2.Using five NT passages make the case for missions. 3.What supernatural events did the Waodani people witness as they killed the missionaries? 4.Briefly explain the stories of three people groups who had “eternity in their hearts.” 5.Why does vernacular translation of the name of God have such an impact on folk religionists? 6.Give an example of the evidence that the Chinese people knew the stories of Genesis before missionaries arrived. 7.According to the professor what four tasks are worth doing and what Scriptures make this point? 8.Who are the four men, what are the three eras, and what are the two transitions in missions? 9. What happens to people who die without hearing the Gospel? 10.What are the four means God uses to make his will known to us, and which Scriptures back up each means? 11.Fully explain the Great Commission.
Hard 1.Using evidence from 100 AD and 2000 AD compare the magnitude of the task of finishing the Great Commission. 2.How far are we from finishing the Great Commission in terms of individuals and people groups? 3.Describe six ways in which William Carey affected India. 4.Do missionaries destroy cultures? 5.Give five examples of how the Gospel can transform a culture. Include what Christians can do to promote transformation and what kind of results they may expect. 6.Discuss the role of suffering in completing the missionary task.