Wheat Bridge McKye
Origins Fertile Crescent –Iraq, Syria, Israel, Jordan and Egypt Originally gathered as a wild grass Stone Age : Rocks used to grind wheat berries into flour 5,000 year old loaves of bread from Egypt
Agriculture Cultivation of wheat began in 7,800 BC People began to domesticate wild wheat and cross different varieties Wheat begins to spread –Southeastern Europe by 6,000 BC –Europe, Central Asia, India, and Africa by 3,000 BC –Americas in 1492 with Columbus
History and Technology First millstones in 5,500 BC Bread ovens by 3,300 BC Yeast in bread Animal power for milling used by the Romans in 200 BC Sieves to filter flour - for pure bread Water mills appeared 2,000 years ago
Lifestyle Changes Domesticated wheat led to a sedentary lifestyle Cities Art, religion, science, education, literature Societies began to evolve around wheat Higher populations need higher wheat yields, leads to pushes for technology
Industrial Revolution Crop rotations become more common –Wheat, beans, root crops, fallow Technology and warm weather produce more reliable yields First machine applied to wheat production –Automated seed drill
19 th Century Transition from round loaves to rectangular loaves Separating components of flour –Whole wheat flour - more nutritious –White flour - doesn ’ t spoil as easily
Industrialization After WWII Agro - chemicals Crop Breeding Mechanization –Tractors for planting, fertilizing, applying pesticides –Threshers –Transported by train –Stored in grain elevators Increase in global trade
Green Revolution Promoted high yielding, industrialized wheat in developing nations U. S. appeared to be acting on humanitarian concerns, but was really acting out of self - interest Focus on breeding certain qualities into wheat –High yields –High quality –Drought and disease resistance –Weather resistant
Green Revolution Wheat production was boosted in India, China, and Mexico as well as more developed countries such as Britain and even the U. S. Along with increased wheat yields came many environmental problems Increased wheat production led to wheat being dumped on foreign markets
Wheat Production Today 3 rd in world production – 2000: 21 billion bushels on 520 million acres Provides 16% of calories in developing areas 36% from Asia, 17% from Europe, 16% from North America China is first in world wheat production followed by India and the U. S. Subsidized in many countries
Wheat Production Today Wheat production is perennial and it is being harvested somewhere every month Can be grown in harsh, wind swept environment that are too cold for rice or corn 90% of wheat in industrialized nations is rain fed About half is irrigated in developing nations –High amount of fertilizer used in these areas 90% of wheat grown worldwide is bread wheat
Crop Disease Scab –Attacks the head of the grain –Produces shriveled, bleached grains –Can cause health problems in humans and animals Rust –Responsible for the biggest wheat pandemic in the U. S. –Produces red pustules on the plant
Environmental Concerns Water pollution and overuse –Chemical runoff and irrigation Soil degradation –Erosion –Fertility Loss Deforestation Habitat Loss Loss of biodiversity Fossil fuel dependence
Health Concerns Celiac Disease –Autoimmune disorder that attacks the villi of the small intestine –Nutrients not absorbed –Triggered by gluten, a protein in wheat, rye, and barley – 300 Symptoms Anemia, depression, diarrhea, abdominal pain, fatigue –Can appear at any age –No cure, must eat a gluten free diet
Wheat and Diet Whole wheat perceived as healthy in the U. S. Atkins diet suggests eating as few carbohydrates and wheat products as possible Wheat is an ingredient in hundreds of foods –Bread, crackers, cakes and cookies, pasta, tortillas, breakfast cereals Wheat has more protein than corn or rice
Wheat and Culture Important to the ancient Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, and Chinese –Often associated with life forces and fertility Today Germany has the greatest variety of breads in the world Different countries are known for different breads
Wheat and Culture Wheat and Christianity –Key part of The Eucharist –“Give us this day our daily bread” Many references to bread in daily language –Bread basket –Bread winner –Bread = money –Companion : Latin for “with bread”
Gender Roles Men –Apply chemicals, manure, fertilizer –Spade work –Sow the seeds –Uproot the seedlings –Market the grain
Gender Roles Women –Transplanting –Storage –Weeding –Threshing –Grinding the grain and cooking
Genetic Modification Many markets are opposed to G.M wheat Cross contamination Monocrops Transnational corporations Health concerns Expensive, little benefit for farmers Increased pest resistence
Sustainable Wheat? Protecting the soil, water, biodiversity, community Need more community based, supported production Organic is a step in the right direction