LIGO Student Investigations The LIGO e-Lab -- Students investigate the shaking of the ground as LIGO investigates the shaking of space.
LIGO Student Investigations LIGO e-Lab data channels are a subset of LIGO’s Physics Environmental Monitoring (PEM) subsystem. Currently Hanford only. Seismometer channels are the e-Lab’s focus. PEM channels provide raw seismometer data. Data Monitoring Tool (DMT) channels apply calibrations and frequency filters to the raw PEM values.
LIGO Student Investigations Major domains of LIGO e-Lab investigations: Noise-hunting studies (“What caused that?”) Earthquake studies (Lots of possible research questions here) Correlation studies of natural seismic drivers (wind, rain, ocean waves) Correlation studies of human activity (traffic patterns, day-night patterns) Frequency-based studies using DMT filtered channels
LIGO Student Investigations Noise hunting requires cross-checking using common knowledge, Web data bases, LHO e-Log, etc.
LIGO Student Investigations Earthquakes: Signal strength vs. epicenter distance or magnitude, propagation speeds, P and S wave distinctions, differences between directional sensors, etc.
LIGO Student Investigations Natural noise: The e-Lab provides access to LHO wind and rain channels. LHO E-Log entries often mention environmental conditions.
LIGO Student Investigations Human-generated noise becomes significant above 1 Hz
LIGO Student Investigations Filtered DMT channels provide a context for exploring the concept of frequency
LIGO Student Investigations Growing the LIGO e-Lab . . . Populate the poster archive with student investigations Position the teacher forum as a key tool for developing teacher skill in using the e-Lab Increase the accuracy and reliability of the software interface Increase the scope of the software interface