LEAPS-El Paso Texas March 5, 2008
Welcome new members Dion Dorado Private Investigator and former Sheriff Deputy, Drew Paulson Whelan Security- Operations Manager, and Jose Luis Sierra Storm Water Operations Manager with El Paso Water Utility. WELCOME
Law Enforcement El Paso Police Department is awaiting the hiring of the new Police Chief. 3 ½% reduction in crime for the month of February. Burglary of vehicles on the Eastside has risen slightly. El Paso P.D. and Fort Bliss Military Police are conducting joint operations to help reduce family violence, assaults, and public intoxication.
Private Security Sun City Security Owner Jessie Ruelas was in Austin addressing the Legislation on three important matters. Target Security Officers not registered. Training for the DPS Inspectors in the El Paso Area. The improper registration of the Alarm Companies.
Guest Speaker Ted Curry Ph.D Spoke on the impact Fort Bliss’ expansion will have in El Paso in regards to crime and rapid population growth. Also addressed how it will affect the El Paso Police Department, Fort Bliss Military Police, and Private Security. Rapid population growth tends to destabilize neighborhoods and increase crime but preparation and planning can minimize these effects.
Next LEAPS Meeting April 2, 2008 at 11:30 a.m.