Assessment Protocol Peter van Rosmalen
Assessment Protocol The main criteria are: Quality and Productivity (WP2-8) –Scientific (articles, book chapters, PhD Thesis) –Technology (software, specifications, models, documentation) Impact (WP9-10) – Indicators (surveys, questionnaires and counters) e.g.: Number of software installations User satisfaction Web references
Assessment Protocol The output is based on: Available MM (input) Type of staff (professor, post-doc, PhD, ICT, ICT junior) Effective time (estimated 70% with exception of first half year) Type (and amount) of output Example: Output Year1 = (mm/12) * %-Y1 * (Effective-T x Norm-Output) * Y1-reduction (mm/12) *.65 * (.7 * 3) *.5 Note: Norm-Output for a Professor
Assessment Protocol (WP)
Assessment Protocol (Partner)