Need your MyMathLab card with your access code (behind the ‘pull off’ tab) Need a Valid Address Need to know Purdue’s zip code is and your course ID for your Class You may use an ITaP computer or on your own computer (need Adobe FlashPlayer).
MyMathLab Register with your access code the first time. Each successive time you enter click Sign in. For your username, use your purdue address (with Select a password that you will remember (minimum 8 characters, at least 1 letter and 1 number) Write login name and password down in your mymathlab access kit!!!!
These slides will explain how to register in CourseCompass using Pearson’s MyMathLab, if you are a student who has never used CourseCompass (MyMathLab) before for a MA or MA class. If you have used CourseCompass or Pearson MyMathLab, you simply need to enroll in your current class. Refer to the other PowerPoint presentation to explain how.
Go to 5
Temporary Access Feature – CourseCompass and MyLab / Mastering New Design6 Enter the Course ID from your instructor. Enter your Course ID
Sign In or Create Account Temporary Access Feature – CourseCompass and MyLab / Mastering New Design7
Create Account Temporary Access Feature – CourseCompass and MyLab / Mastering New Design8 Enter your information and agree to the license.
Create Account: Reminders Temporary Access Feature – CourseCompass and MyLab / Mastering New Design9
Payment Options Temporary Access Feature – CourseCompass and MyLab / Mastering New Design10 Enter your access code or pay now. Temporary Access for 17 days
Confirmation Temporary Access Feature – CourseCompass and MyLab / Mastering New Design11
Sign In
Contact Student Support at for technical support 24 hours a day. Problems??? For math tutoring at the Tutor Center call between 5 PM and midnight Sunday through Thursday. You must use your coursecompass course ID or student access code to register.