Shadow Boxing: A Physically Interactive Fitness Game Damilola Elegbede
June 17, 2015June 17, 2015June 17, 2015 What is Exercise Informatics? The use of technology to promote exercise or sporting activity For those who are unable to carry out original activity For those who are unable to carry out original activity To motivate those who are less likely to perform exercise/sporting activity To motivate those who are less likely to perform exercise/sporting activity
June 17, 2015June 17, 2015June 17, 2015 Authors Johanna Höysniemi, PhD at University of Tampere, Finland Anne Aula, PhD from University of Tampere, Finland. User Experience Researcher at Google Petra Auvinen, PhD from University of Tampere Jaana Hännikäinen, PhD Tampere University of Technology Perttu Hämäläinen, PhD Helsinki University of Technology
June 17, 2015June 17, 2015June 17, 2015 Shadow Boxing - Why? Boxing is tough Neck and Shoulder Pain Optimal heart rate for exercise No exercise specific game
June 17, 2015June 17, 2015June 17, 2015 Shadow Boxing - Objectives Create an interactive game that mimic boxing techniques Playability and usability Effectiveness for physical exercise through heart rate monitoring Interviews and result analysis
June 17, 2015June 17, 2015June 17, 2015 Prototype Equipment Creative Webcam Pro Creative Webcam Pro Fujitsu Siemens laptop (speakers and monitor) Fujitsu Siemens laptop (speakers and monitor) Polar Vantage TM heart rate monitor Polar Vantage TM heart rate monitor Game written using Macromedia Flash/ActionScript Game written using Macromedia Flash/ActionScript Wizard of Oz approach Experimental evaluation Experimental evaluation Allows for observation (wizard) Allows for observation (wizard) Save costs Save costs
June 17, 2015June 17, 2015June 17, 2015 Study Five males, four females and 2 research members Exercise regularly Average age of 29 (26-44) Two Rooms Control Room Control Room Wizard and Observer Test Room Test Room Participant, test coordinator and interviewer
June 17, 2015June 17, 2015June 17, 2015 Playing the game Three parts Warm up with video trainer Warm up with video trainer Written and video instructions of punching techniques Written and video instructions of punching techniques Game window Game window Player lateral movement Task – punch point gloves For given number of times For given number of times
June 17, 2015June 17, 2015June 17, 2015 Point Gloves Sinusoidal movement Punches counts when point glove is in front of game character Punch for a given number of times
June 17, 2015June 17, 2015June 17, 2015 Interface
Results Heart rate taken before exercise and after playing Approximate optimal exercise levels
June 17, 2015June 17, 2015June 17, 2015 Interviews Game character did not move as expected (7/9) Visual experience simple and clear (5/9) Would play again (7/9) Negative ‘feelings’ as a result of frustration Diversity of movement for game character
June 17, 2015June 17, 2015June 17, 2015 Some Problems Instructions One hand punches One hand punches Timing/Positioning (instructions) Punch delivery Punch delivery Character response Movement along with point gloves Movement along with point gloves Frustration as a result of the above
June 17, 2015June 17, 2015June 17, 2015 Room for Improvements More accurate heart monitoring Sensors to record punches Dynamic exercise User profiles User profiles More interactive interface A digital opponent A digital opponent Engage participant for longer period of time Engage participant for longer period of time
June 17, 2015June 17, 2015June 17, 2015 Other Studies Masuko, S. and Hoshino, J A fitness game reflecting heart rate Mueller, F., Agamanolis, S., Gibbs, M. R., and Vetere, F Remote impact: shadowboxing over a distance Nakamura, S., Minakuchi, M., and Tanaka, K Energy browser: to make exercise enjoyable and interesting Kravitz, L., Greene, L., Burkett, Z., and Wongsathikun, J Cardiovascular Response to Punching Tempo
June 17, 2015June 17, 2015June 17, 2015 Questions