SDPI Continuation Application for FY 2006 Funding IHS Division of Diabetes Treatment and Prevention IHS Division of Grants Operations
SDPI Continuation Application for FY 2006 Funding
Period of Support
Complete and submit all forms SF 424A - Application for Federal Assistance SF 424A - Budget for Non-construction Programs SF 424B - Assurances for Non-construction Programs IHS Environmental Information and Documentation Form (if applicable) IHS 815-1A - Receipt Card
Budget Issues Indirect Cost Rates –Current –Approved Limitations of Use of Grant Funds –Refer to PHS Grants Policy Statement –Construction costs, cash prizes, gifts not allowed –Space Rental or purchase of modular units (IHS only) –Incentives Policy Statement in development – IHS DDTP web site Guidance –no more than $30/client –tie-in to Goals and Objectives
Budget Issues Carry Over Balance (policy in development; DDTP web site) –Grantees have the authority to carryover IHS unobligated grant funds -Carry over funds must be used to used to support the originally approved goals and objectives PROCESS –Grantees have option to report estimated carryover balance on Continuation Application (SF 424A) w/budget and budget justification; no action will be taken by DGO –Required to report carry over balance on SF 269; within 90 days after current budget period with budget and budget justification –If carryover balance 25% or less, justification is not required
Budget Issues Carry Over Balance (policy in development; DDTP web site) –If carryover balance exceeds 25%, prior approval from DGO is required to carry over the funds separate budget and budget justification required budget revision and additional justification will be requested if DGO’s carryover balance differs from grantee’s carryover balance DGO and DDTP review circumstances that lead to the large carryover –Decisions and Outcomes If approved, revised NGA to reflect the carryover amount will be issued If correction action required, DGO and DDTP assist grantee to develop fiscal and programmatic plan of action IHS reserves right to deny carryover request when exceeds 25%, where appropriate
Signature of Application IHS entities - Area Director or designee Tribes/tribal organizations - Tribal Chairperson, Exec Dir, legally authorized Urban entities - Exec Dir
Distribution of Funds Available Funding for SDPI by Congress Distribution by IHS w/tribal consultation 5 yr allocation by IHS Dir CGP funding based on # of grant programs and available funding DDTP confirms allocation on annual basis –FY 2006 – decrease of $5,000 - $6,000 (one additional prog) –Subsequent yrs – annual amount may increase (if programs don’t continue)
Other Required Reports Progress Report on Current Budget Period - complete interim report for current budget year SF Financial Status Report Organization's Annual Financial Audit Report
SF 269, Financial Status Report, long form Complete the form Include the Actual Carry Over Balance with a budget and budget justification
Timetable and Due Dates
SDPI Continuation Application for FY 2006 Funding