Huffman Encoder Project
Howd - Zur Hung Eric Lai Wei Jie Lee Yu - Chiang Lee Design Manager: Jonathan P. Lee Huffman Encoder Project Final Presentation April 30 th, 2007 Overall Project Objective: Design a Low Power Huffman Encoder
About Huffman Compression (Wei Jie) Marketing (Wei Jie) Project Description (Wei Jie) Design Methodology (Randal) Original Huffman Recipe (Randal) Our Huffman Encoder (Randal) Design Decisions (Randal) Behavioral/Algorithmic Description (Eric) Floorplan Evolution (Eric) Layout (John) Verification (Eric) Issues Encountered (John) Specifications (John) Conclusions (John) Agenda of Presentation
About Huffman Huffman is a compression algorithm Often used as a back-end to other compressions Greedy algorithm
The Need for Compression It is becoming a wireless world Wireless bandwidth limited Power is limited COMPRESSION! Reduce data size = Save power + time + bandwidth
Why Huffman? Lossless Statistical David Huffman is the man! Outdid Shannon-Fano coding
Project Description Our Huffman Encoder is a fast and power efficient solution to data compression with on-chip cache
Hardware compression out performs software based solution Small, affordable, and power efficient chip is perfect for portable devices Why Hardware?
Hardware Huffman Solution Low power, compact, full-custom ASIC Saves power, time, and system resources Compress data packets on network cards Cell phones, PDA, Laptop
Design Methodology 1.Understand the algorithm 2.Design functional blocks 3.Behavioral Verilog 4.Structural Verilog 5.Schematic 6.Layout 7.Simulations
Specifics of Huffman Procedure pre-scan data and count frequency iteratively find least two frequent word and build a tree encode word according to the final tree structure abcde 3 dc 7 a 14 b 29 e abcde
Our Huffman Procedure pre-scan data, count frequency, and assign unique group number iteratively find least two frequent word to update group number and encoding finish encoding look up table abcde abcde abcde abcde abcde
1.5-bit input word size 2.16-bit frequency 3.Two SRAMs 4.Adders: 16-bit Carry Select Adders 5.Serial output 6.Control logic to shut down modules Design Decisions
Behavioral / Algorithm Description turns off unused blocks to reduce power
Schematic Diagram
Floorplan Prelayout
Floorplan Midlayout
Final Chip Layout
Top Find2Freq Combine SRAM freqGroup SRAM codeLength countFreq serial output control
SRAM (FreqGroup)
Metal 1
Metal 2
Metal 3
Metal 4
Matched Verilog results with MATLAB results Verified the successful compression of several test cases including parts of an image file: Verification: Verilog
Vigorously tested each block Combined them and encoded several words Verification: Schematic
Verified strong signal integrity Buffered high fan-outs and long wires Critical Path: 4.88 ns All outputs of modules go through registers Verification: Layout
Component Specifications countFreqfind2freqcombineSerial Output SRAM (combined) Transistor Count Area (in μm 2 ) Density Power (mWatt)
Final Specifications Number of Transistors : 23,322 Area : x = μm 2 Density : (transistors/μm2) Aspect Ratio = 1:1.05 Pin Count = 52 pins Input : 5-bit data input, start, done, finish Output : 36-bit treeOutput, treeReady, out, request, error vdd!, gnd!, clk, reset Final Clock Speed = 200 MHz
Final Specifications Final result is up to 1800 times faster than Java! (probably because it’s Java) Compressed 640 bits of an image Java results – 10 ms Centrino 1.5 GHz 512 RAM Our hardware Huffman – 5.4 us 1071 cycles
1.Bad estimate for original floorplan 2.Long SRAM simulation time 3.SRAM sense amp issue 4.Too much poly! 5.Cannot route through SRAM Issues Encountered
Conclusions Next Steps: Scale up design Better compression ratio Higher throughput Meeting of the Minds HUFFMAN DECODER!!