“For” loops
Common loop form 6 zMost common loop form: z i = start; zwhile (i < = end) z{i++;} zThere is a special form for it that reinforces the following pattern:
for loop 7 zfor (i=start; i<=end; i++) z{… z } Syntax: for (expression1;expression2;expression3;) statement(s) zi.e., for (initialization;condition;update) z statement
Note: 2 zThe expressions in the for loop are optional: 1. If expression1 is omitted, the initialization (and declaration) of the loop control variable must take place before entry into the loop. 2. If expression2 is omitted, then the loop does not terminate unless it contains a break statement. 3. If expression3 is omitted, then increasing or decreasing the loop variable must take place within the body of the loop.
Note: 1 zCounter can be defined in the for loop header--counter variable is now local-- only used inside the loop:
For 6 zEx: zfor (int counter = 1;counter <=5;counter ++); z{ screen.print(counter + “\t”); z screen.flush();} The output from this code is: y