Computers in the Classroom LEIT 429x
How can computers be used? n Take about 5 min and list ways and situations where computers might be used in a classroom situation.
CAI Types n Drill and Practice n Tutorials n Simulations n Instructional Games How do we do these now?
Major Characteristics n Interaction u Keep all students active and interacting with content n Flexibility u Can be used to teach virtually anything n Meeting Student Needs u Handle individual student pacing u Good for IEP’s
Drill and Practice n Best known of all types of CAI n Doesn’t teach new material, but reviews previously covered stuff n Common uses u math u language arts u Paired Associate Tasks (PA) u Stimulus - Response Reinforcement
Types of D&P n Flash Cards u Go through all cards regardless of entry skills or abilities n Arbitrary mastery criteria u Students must get some number in a row correct before they are moved to the next level n Adaptive u Assume mastery based on skill level of question
D&P Controversies n Belief that PA learning is unnecessary n They are just electronic worksheets n Research suggests that it is no better than traditional approaches
Tutorials n Designed to introduce and teach new material n The replacement for the teacher ?!
Types of Tutorial n Linear u All students cover material in the same order regardless of performance differences n Branching u Employs pre and post testing to determine material to be covered and items for remediation
Tutorial Controversies n Poorly written “electronic page turners” n Could they replace the teacher? u Use for review and makeup lessons u Business and industry uses them u Provides a different learning situation
Simulations n An interactive version of some reality n Provide a cost effective, safe, practical way to learn and explore
Types of Simulation n Physical Simulations u Students use, or learn about an object and the things that make it tick n Procedural Simulations u Used to teach a sequence of actions that constitutes a procedure F A flight simulator
Types of Simulations n Situational Simulation u Role playing n Process Simulation u Students act as an experimenter rather than an active participant in the process u Genetics and economics projects lend themselves to this type.
Simulation controversy n Provide safe, cost effective ways for students to learn n Sometimes difficult to measure learning outcomes n Content accuracy and validity are VERY important
Instructional Games n Can be used in several situations u game attempts to teach/review material u game is a reward for correctly completing some other type of CAI u distinction is that reward games may have no relationship to content area u All have winners, losers and fun
Types of Games n Variation of an existing game u new version of hangman, football, monopoly n New game
IG Controversy n Does the time spent justify the game